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Volume 32, Nº 4, July and August 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/2359-4802.20190060


Exercise, Sports & Cardiovascular Health: Relevant Questions and Answers

Claudio Gil Araujo

Barry Franklin

Jari Laukkanen

Jonathan Myers

Josef Niebauer

Jurgen Scharhag

Philip Millar

Dr. Jari Laukkanen and Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo


Currently, it is quite common for a clinical cardiologista to be questioned about exercise and sports, topics that are rarely discussed during formal medical education. In this regard, there is a clear need to access high-quality data and evidence-based information to give patients and family members the best advice.
Aiming to present the state-of-the art scientific information on the topic, we have invited several experts from different countries, all of them “knowledgeproducers” in exercise and sports cardiology, to contribute with their expertise by answering specific and relevant questions in the matter. The answers were limit to about 250 words and they were asked to preferentially refer to their own publications.
This is an innovative type of scientific paper – questions & answers (Q&A) format -, in which all contributors are listed as coauthors in the paper, but for each one of the answers the responder is clearly identified.

Keywords: Exercise; Sports; Exercise Movement Techniques; Muscle Strenght; Hypertension; Preventive Health Care; Exercise Therapy.