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Volume 32, Nº 1, January and February 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/ijcs.2359-4802.20180048


Myocardial Viability: From PARR-2 to IMAGE HF - Current Evidence and Future Directions

Fernanda Erthal

Christiane Wiefels

Steven Promislow

Riina Kandolin

Ellamae Stadnick

Lisa Mielniczuk

Terrence Ruddy

Gary Small

Rob Beanlands

Dr. Fernanda Erthal


Ischemic heart failure is a growing disease with high morbidity and mortality. Several studies suggest the benefit of viability imaging to assist revascularization decision, but there is controversy. Multiple imaging modalities can be used to accurately define hibernating myocardium; however, the best approach remains uncertain. This review will highlight current evidence and future directions of viability imaging assessment.

Keywords: Heart Failure; Myocardial Stunning; Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography; Hybernating