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Volume 114, Nº 5, May 2020


DOI: https://doi.org/10.36660/abc.20200308


COVID-19 and Hypercoagulable State: A New Therapeutic Perspective

Jorge Henrique Paiter Nascimento

Bruno Ferraz de Oliveira Gomes

Plinio Resende

João Luiz Fernandes Petriz

Stephanie Itala Rizk

Isabela Bispo Santos da Silva Costa

Fernando Bacal

Ludhmilla Abraão Hajjar

Gláucia Maria Moraes de Oliveira

Figure 1 – The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, activates the inflammatory and thrombotic process. The disease it causes is associated with an increase in inflammatory cytokines (cytokine storm) and coagulation disorders, with predisposition to thrombus formation. Mononuclear cells interact with activated platelets and the coagulation cascade, which activate inflammatory cells by binding thrombin and tissue factor with specific protease activated receptors and by binding fibrin to Toll-like receptor 4. The activation of inflammatory cells results in the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leading to impairment of the natural coagulation pathways and shut down of fibrinolysis. PAR: protease-activated receptor; TLR4: Toll-like receptor 4; aPTT: activated partial thromboplastin time; PT: prothrombin time; IL: interleukin; TNFα: tumor necrosis factor-α.Figure adapted from Levi M, van der Poll T.25

Keywords: COVID-2019; Betacoronavirus; Catastrophic Illness; Viral, Pneumonia; Pandemics; Coronavirus Infections; Complications, Cardiovasculares; Thrombophilia; Anticoagulants/therapeutic use.