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Guidelines for Publication



• Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (ABC Cardiol) is a monthly publication of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology;
• It is considered the main channel for the promotion of Brazilian cardiovascular research;
• Mission: Disseminating the content of national and international scientific research in the area of cardiovascular diseases; promoting scientific debate in the area of cardiovascular diseases through the publication of review articles, view points, editorials, letters and others; and publishing SBC scientific guidelines and standards.
• It is indexed in the Cumulated Index Medicus of the National Library of Medicine and in the MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, Scopus and SciELO databases, with citation in PubMed (United States National Library of Medicine) in English and Portuguese;
• The English and Portuguese versions are fully available, FREE OF CHARGE (open access), on the website of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology (http://www.arquivosonline.com.br), SciELO (www.scielo.br) and PubMed (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/), to be viewed by the whole international community;
• The authors are not required to pay any submission or review fees;
• Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia are advocates of Open Science;
• ABC Cardiol accepts Preprint manuscripts.

Open Science

The term open science refers to a scientific practice model that is in line with the digital evolution that proposes the availability of information in web environments, as opposed to laboratory-confined research.1

The practice of open science involves the publication of research data, speedy editorial and communication processes through continuous publication of manuscripts and preprints, greater transparency in review processes and communication flows, and the pursuit of more comprehensive systems of review of manuscripts and journals.2,3


A preprint is a complete scientific manuscript that the authors place in a public server. Preprints contain complete data and methodologies. They are published on the web within one day approximately, without peer review, and can be viewed for free by anyone in the world, on platforms currently developed for this purpose, allowing scientists to directly control the promotion of their work for the scientific community around the world. In most cases, the same work published as preprint is also submitted for peer review in a journal. Therefore, preprints (not validated by peer review) and the publication of journals (validated by peer review) work in parallel as a communication system for scientific research.4,5

Submitting a manuscript to a preprint platform, such as Peerage of Science, arXiv, PLoS and Nature Precedings, is not considered double publishing. ABC Cardiol will also accept manuscripts that have been published on an author’s personal or institutional website. Academic theses in the public domain, according to the guidelines of the author’s academic institution, will also be considered by ABC Cardiol.

The journal ABC Cardiol seeks to keep its platform and rules constantly updated, in keeping with the practices of modern scientific publication. Today, we accept preprints and open science platforms to encourage communication among authors.

1. https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Ci%C3%AAncia_aberta
2. https://www.cienciaaberta.net/
3. http://www.ciencia-aberta.pt/sobre-ciencia-aberta
4. http://blog.scielo.org/blog/ 2017/02/22/scielo-preprints-a-caminho/#.Wt3U2IjwY2w
5. http://asapbio.org/preprint-info



Original Article: The journal ABC Cardiol accepts all types of original cardiovascular research, including research in humans and experimental research. Clinical trials should follow specific recommendations (click here to learn more). Note: Systematic analyses and meta-analyses are considered original manuscripts, not reviews.

Review Article: The editors send out invitations for most reviews. However, high-level studies conducted by authors or groups with previous publications on the subject will be welcome. In this section, any manuscripts whose main author does not have a comprehensive academic or publication background verified by Lattes (CNPQ), PubMed or SciELO will not be accepted. Note: Systematic analyses and meta-analyses are considered original manuscripts, not reviews.

Guideline: The guidelines present relevant evidence to help healthcare professionals assess the benefits and risks of a particular diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. They must be essential to making daily clinical decisions. It is a document that covers a body of evidence.

Statement: A document that is intended to support professionals in making a decision; however, it does not contain a sufficient body of evidence to be called a guideline.

Updated Guideline: A document containing innovations and updates on a specific subtopic of a published guideline, with an annual update.

Viewpoint: It presents the authors’ stance or opinion on a specific scientific theme. This stance or opinion must be sufficiently corroborated by the literature or their personal experience. These aspects will be the basis of the opinion being issued.

Case Report: Any cases including original descriptions of clinical observations or representing the originality of a given diagnosis or treatment or illustrating situations that do not occur very often in the clinical practice, which deserve a deeper understanding and more attention from cardiologists.

Brief Communication: Original experiences whose relevance to the knowledge of a subject justifies the presentation of initial data of small series, or partial data of clinical trials.

Editorial: Subjects or manuscripts critically addressed by a subject-matter specialist. All ABC Cardiol editorials are published upon invitation. We will not accept editorials submitted spontaneously.

Short Editorial: Also published upon invitation, it includes comments on manuscripts published with scientific content and opinion from subject-matter specialists.

Letter to the Editor: Correspondence of scientific content related to manuscripts published in ABC Cardiol. The authors of the original manuscript will be invited to respond.

Research Letter: These are concise reports focused on original study, clinical case or opinion. The letters must not duplicate other material published or sent for publication.

Image: Clinical or basic research imaging, or complementary tests showing interesting aspects of imaging methods explaining cardiovascular disease mechanisms and emphasizing relevant aspects of physiopathology, diagnosis or treatment.

Anatomopathological Correlation: Presentation of a clinical case and discussion of aspects of interest related to clinical, laboratory and anatomical-pathological contents.
Clinical-Imaging Correlation: Presentation of a case of cardiopathy, emphasizing the importance of the imaging and/or clinical elements for consequent correlation with other tests that substantiate the diagnosis. It derives the course of action adopted.


• Language:
ABC Cardiol is a bilingual publication. The manuscripts can be submitted either in Portuguese and/or English. For approved manuscripts, it is mandatory to submit the manuscript in the second language if the author has opted to submit the article only in the Portuguese language. The author can ask the journal to organize the translation or submit it within 30 days at the latest. Failure to submit will cause the cancellation of the manuscript. The author who submits the article in the English language does not need to provide the translation, however, at the time of the submission, it is recommended to send the articles in both languages in order to streamline the production process if possible. Information for the translation (click here to learn more).

• Composition:
Note: The texts must be edited in a word processor (example: Microsoft® Word, Google Docs®, Writer®).

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for on the following websites: http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Abstract
• Abstract of up to 250 words.
• Structured around five sections:
Background (rationale for the study);
Methods (brief description of the methodology used);
Results (only the main and most significant ones);
Conclusions (brief sentence(s) with data interpretation).

• Please do not include any references in the abstract.
• Please include absolute numbers in the results, together with their verified statistical significance with p value, percentages (%) and other methods of analysis. Data without any verified statistical significance will not be accepted. For example: “the measure went up, down” etc.).

3- Body of the Manuscript:
It should be divided into five sections: introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusions.

• Introduction: We suggest not to exceed 350 words.
Describe the study background, justifying it based on the literature, outlining the scientific gap that prompted the investigation and why.
In the last paragraph, emphasize the primary and secondary objectives of the study based on the scientific gap to be investigated.

• Methods: Describe in detail how the observational or experimental research subjects were selected (patients or animals under experimentation, including the control group, if any), including age and gender.
The definition of breeds should be used where possible and should be made clear and when relevant to the subject explored.
Describe the equipment and reagents used (including manufacturer’s name, model and country of manufacture, where appropriate) and give details of procedures and techniques to allow other researchers to reproduce your data.
Describe the methods in detail, informing what they were used for, and their capabilities and limitations.
Describe all drugs used, including doses and routes of administration.
Describe the protocol used (interventions, outcomes, methods of allocation, masking and statistical analysis).
For studies on humans, establish whether the manuscript was approved by a Research Ethics Committee, if the patients signed the informed consent form and if it complies with resolution 466/2012.
Describe the statistical methods (click here for information on statistical analysis) that were used to derive the results and justify.

• Results: Clearly displayed, they should be subdivided into items where possible, and supported by a few charts, tables, and figures. Avoid redundancy in data presentation, such as in both the body of the manuscript and in tables.
It is of the utmost importance that the statistical significance be properly substantiated.

• Discussion: It is directly related to the theme proposed when analyzed in the light of the literature, highlighting new and important aspects of the study, its implications and limitations. Comparison with previously published manuscripts addressing the same subject of research is an important point. The comparison should highlight the new inputs brought by the results of the study and its clinical or translational implications. The last paragraph should express conclusions or, if relevant, recommendations and clinical implications.

• Conclusions: They must respond directly to the objectives proposed in the study and be strictly based on the data. Conclusions not ultimately based on the results presented in the manuscript may lead to the manuscript not being directly accepted in the review process. Short and objective statements should account for the main findings of the manuscript, based on the results.

Click here for information on original manuscripts of clinical research/clinical trials.

4- Acknowledgements
• They should come in the end. In this section, you can acknowledge all sources of support to the research project, as well as individual contributions.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

5- Figures and Tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension. • Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

6- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors.
• Abbreviations of the journal title must conform to the Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any books cited must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page

• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be consulted on the websites http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or on www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Abstract: No specific structure is required. A 250-word limit must be respected.

3- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.

4- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

5- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

6- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any books cited must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

• As of 2018, the Brazilian guidelines, statements and updated guidelines, as prepared by the relevant departments, will be published in full in ABC Cardiol. For the latest guidelines published before 2018, executive summaries will be accepted.
• It will be published in the Portuguese and English versions in the same issue.
• It is the responsibility of the coordinator or group responsible to pay the English version and the diagramming of these pages.
• o To access the guidelines writing rules, click here.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.
3- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

4- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

5- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any books cited must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript. • Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Case Report: No specific structure is required. We suggest to include diagnostic hypotheses, description of the methods, a conclusion with the outcome of the case, its relevance and a final message. The word count must be respected.

3- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

4- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

5- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors.
• Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any books cited must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.

• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Abstract: No specific structure is required. A 250-word limit must be respected.

3- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected. The manuscript must contain data or initial experiments of a scientific investigation.

4- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

5- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript.
Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

6- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript. • If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8). • In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text. • References should be aligned to the left. • Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned. • Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number). • Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.” • The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.

3- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

4- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

5- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript. • If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8). • In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text. • References should be aligned to the left. • Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned. • Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript. • Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.
Note: The author of the referenced article will be contacted for a response.

3- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

4- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript. .
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8). .
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text. .
• References should be aligned to the left..
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned. .
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number). .
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.” .
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.
Note: The author of the referenced article will be contacted for a response.

3- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table below.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

4- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8). .
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text. .
• References should be aligned to the left..
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned. .
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors. • Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number). .
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.” .
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.

3- Acknowledgements
• These should come in the end. In this section, all sources of support as well as individual contributions can be acknowledged.
• Each person mentioned in the acknowledgments section should send a letter authorizing the inclusion of their names, as this may be construed as endorsement of the data and conclusions.
• No written consent is required from the team members, or external partners, as long as their role is described in the acknowledgments.

4- Figures and tables
• o The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
• It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
• Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

5- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors.
• Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number). • Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.” • The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.

3- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

4- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors.
• Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

1- Title page
• It must contain the full concise and descriptive title of the manuscript in Portuguese (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain the full title in English (150 characters including spaces).
• It must contain a short title (with up to 50 characters, including spaces) to be used in the header of the other pages of the manuscript.
• Three to five descriptors (keywords) should be included, as well as their translation in English. The keywords should be looked for at http://decs.bvs.br/, which contains terms in Portuguese, Spanish and English or at www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh, for terms in English only.
• The word count of the manuscript must be informed.

2- Body of the manuscript: No specific structure is required. The word count must be respected.

3- Figures and tables
• The number of tables and figures recommended for this type of manuscript can be found by accessing the summary table.
• Tables: These should be numbered by order of appearance and adopted when necessary to help the readers understand the contents laid out in the manuscript. Tables should not contain any data previously reported in the text. Indicate the footer markers in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, //, ¶, #, **, ††, etc. Tables must be edited in Word or similar software. The authors should use the standard tables and figures recommended by ABNT. According to these standards, tables should not have any side lines, should be identified by number and title, which should come above the table. The source, even if it is the author himself, should come below it.
• Figures: Figures must be in good resolution so they can be evaluated by the reviewers. As per the ABNT standards, illustrations must present a descriptive word, the number according to the order of appearance, and the title above the image. The source should come below. Any abbreviations used in the illustrations should be explained in the legends.
It is desirable that figure 1 be the one that best summarizes the main data of the manuscript, i.e., the main illustration for the manuscript results. Collages of images can be included.
Figures and illustrations should be attached in separate files, in the appropriate section in the system, with a JPEG, PNG or TIFF extension.
• Images and videos: Approved manuscripts containing scans (e.g., echocardiograms and coronary angiography films) should be submitted via the manuscript submission system as motion pictures in MP4 format.

4- References
• ABC Cardiol adopts the Vancouver Standards — Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journal (www.icmje.org).
• References should be cited numerically, as they appear in the text, in superscript.
• If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last references should be typed, separated by a dash (Example: 5-8).
• In case of alternate citation, all references must be typed, separated by a comma (Example: 12, 19, 23). Abbreviations should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
• References should be aligned to the left.
• Personal communications and unpublished data should not be included in the references list; they should only be mentioned in the text and as a footnote on the page where they are mentioned.
• Only mention all of the authors if there are six or fewer authors, or only the first six authors followed by et al., if there are more than six authors.
• Abbreviations of the journal must conform to Index Medicus/Medline — List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus or as established at http://locatorplus.gov/.
• Only indexed journals can be cited. Any cited books must have an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).
• Abstracts presented in conferences will only be accepted up to two years after they were presented and their references must include the term “abstract from a conference” or “abstract.”
• The number of references recommended for each type of article can be found in the summary table.
• Policy of appreciation: The editors encourage the authors to cite articles published in ABC Cardiol and those coming from the Brazilian scientific community.

• Supplementary Material

The authors can submit supplementary material attached to their manuscript, the publication of which will be online only if there is not enough space to include it in the printed article. The supplementary material must be relevant to the understanding and interpretation of the manuscript and must not repeat information from the printed article. The inclusion of supplementary material — which must be original and unpublished — must be limited and reasonable.

The supplementary material will undergo editorial and peer review along with the main manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication and if the supplementary material is considered suitable for publication by the editors, it will be published online upon publication of the manuscript as additional material provided by the authors. The material will not be edited or formatted, so the authors are responsible for the accuracy and presentation of the entire material. Each supplementary material must be identified as such upon submission of the manuscript and cited in the manuscript.

Summary table of the structuring of articles:

Click here to see the Summary Table

Required documents for approved manuscripts:


1- Author’s online registration in the submission system: Registration details, ORCiD number, pre-print usage information (if used). (click here to find out more about Open Science and Preprint);

ORCiD: The ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique, free and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes one scholar/researcher from another and solves the problem of the ambiguity and similarity of names of authors and individuals, replacing name variations with a single numeric code. To register your ORCiD ID, go to: https://orcid.org/register.

2- Conflict of interest: Form filled out and signed by the first author, informing when there is any relationship between the authors and any public or private entity that could derive some conflict of interest. This information must be included in the end of the manuscript.

3- Authors' contribution: Form filled out and signed by the first author stating the contributions of all participants. This information must be included in the end of the manuscript.

4- Copyrights: Form filled out and signed by all co-authors authorizing the transfer of copyrights.

5- Ethics: Form filled out and signed by the first author stating whether the research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of their institution.
• In experiments involving animals, the standards established in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1996) and the Ethical Principles in Animal Experiments of the Brazilian Council of Animal Experimentation (COBEA) must be respected.
• In experiments involving humans, the authors must state whether the procedures have followed the ethical standards established by the institutional and national human experimentation committee and the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975, revised in 2008. Studies conducted with humans should be in line with the ethical standards and must include the participants’ informed consent, as per Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council of the Ministry of Health of Brazil, which deals with the Code of Ethics for Research on Human Beings and, for authors outside Brazil, they must be in keeping with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Have a look at Specific documentations and definitions for clinical trials for further information.


1- Author’s online registration in the submission system: Registration details, ORCiD number, pre-print usage information (if used). (click here to find out more about Open Science and Preprint);

ORCiD: The ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique, free and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes one scholar/researcher from another and solves the problem of the ambiguity and similarity of names of authors and individuals, replacing name variations with a single numeric code. To register your ORCiD ID, go to: https://orcid.org/register.

2- Copyrights: Form filled out and signed by all co-authors authorizing the transfer of copyrights.

Specific documents and definitions for clinical trials (clinical research):

Definition: The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) consider it is important to promote a comprehensive and publicly available database of clinical studies. The ICMJE defines a clinical study as any research project that prospectively refers human beings for intervention or simultaneous comparison or control groups to study the cause and effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. Medical interventions include medications, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, changes to healthcare processes, and others.

For manuscript submissions, the following is required:

Study registration number: this must be published at the end of the abstract. Any registration that is in keeping with the ICMJE will be accepted. Example: http://clinicaltrials.gov/. A complete list of all clinical trial records can be found at http://www.who.int/ictrp/network/ primary/en/index.html.
• Clinical trials should follow the CONSORT STATEMENT rules. Please visit: http://www.consort-statement.org/ consort-2010.
• Systematic reviews and meta-analyses should follow the rules established by widely known organizations, such as: PRISMA (http://www.prisma-statement.org), AMSTAR (https://amstar.ca/) and MOOSE (https://www.editorialmanager.com/ jognn/account/MOOSE.pdf), este último para metanálises observacionais apenas.

Statistic guidelines

Proper use of statistical methods as well as their correct description is of paramount importance for manuscripts published in ABC Cardiol. Therefore, some general guidelines apply to the information to be provided regarding statistical analysis (for further details, we suggest reading the European Heart Journal’s statistical guidelines).

1) About the sample: Details of both the population of interest and the procedures used to define the study sample.
2) Under Methods, there must be a subtopic exclusively addressed to the description of the statistical analysis used in the study, containing:

• Presentation of continuous and/or categorical variables: continuous variables with normal distribution should be presented as mean and standard deviation and continuous variables with non-normal distribution should be presented as median and interquartile range. Categorical variables should be presented by absolute numbers and percentages, with the relevant confidence intervals.
• Description of statistical methods used. If more complex statistical methods are used, some reference literature should be provided for them;
• As a general rule, statistical tests should always be bilateral rather than unilateral;
• The significance level adopted; and
• Specifications of the software used in the statistical analyses, including its version.

3) As for the presentation of the results from statistical analyses:

• The main results should always be described with their relevant confidence intervals;
• Do not repeat in the body of the manuscript the data found in tables and figures;
• Instead of presenting excessively long tables, use charts as an alternative to make it easier for the readers to understand the contents;
• In tables, even if the p-value is not significant, state its value instead of “NS” (e.g., p = 0.29 instead of NS).

Word count limits

The electronic word count should include the title, the cover page, abstract, text, references, figures legends, table content and legend.


For approved manuscripts, the submission of the second language is mandatory. We recommend sending the manuscripts in both languages during the submission process to streamline production, if possible. If the author has chosen to submit the article in Portuguese only, he/she must submit the English version within 30 days or request the translation through the Journal in 5 days (check the values and information in the charts below). In case of non-delivery within the specified period, the item will be canceled.

Click here to see the charts



To submit your manuscript, please visit https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/abc-scielo and register as an author. If you already have a reviewer login, you can use the same login. To submit your manuscript, please follow the steps below.

Click here and follow the steps for submission


• All scientific contributions follow the order of analysis below:
Editorial Staff -> Editor-in-Chief -> Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members
• Communications should only take place by messages, via system, and e-mail.
• Only those manuscripts that are strictly in line with the specified rules will be send to reviewers.
• The authors may nominate up to five members of the Board of Reviewers to review the manuscript and may nominate up to five reviewers that should not take part in the process. Reviewers’ suggestions for modification will be sent to the lead author if the editors find it necessary. Otherwise, the editors will be able to make a final decision.
• Peer review: all manuscripts sent to ABC Cardiol will be submitted to the editors’ initial evaluation. They will decide whether or not to send them to peer review. All reviewers are researchers who regularly publish in indexed journals and are highly-qualified cardiologists (ABC Cardiol Body of Reviewers:
• In case of inconsistencies between the reviews, a new opinion may be requested for better judgment.
• The manuscripts are submitted to statistical review, whenever necessary.
• When the subject matter so requires, the Editor may request the collaboration of a professional that is not part of the Board of Reviewers.
• All manuscripts are evaluated for publication in the shortest time possible. However, any papers that require a special evaluation for fast-track publication should be marked as so in the cover letter.
• Authors have 30 days to make the changes requested by the reviewers if the adjustments requested are classified as “Minor Adjustment.” If the adjustment is classified as “Minor Adjustment,” the author will have 40 days to make the changes. Failure to comply with this deadline will cause the manuscript to be withdrawn from the review process.
• If a manuscript is accepted for review, the reviewers’ opinions should be produced within 30 days after that. .


1- Once approved, the manuscript must be submitted in the second language.
Click here to view information and deadlines for submitting it in the second language.
The deadlines to submit the translation must be strictly observed. Failure to meet the deadline will result in cancellation.
Acceptance will be based on originality, significance and scientific contribution to the body of knowledge in the area.

2- The final formatted version (in Portuguese and English) will be sent to the author, who must return it within 5 days with minimal spelling adjustments. If the author does not respond in 5 days, these will be considered the final versions for publication.


After the author’s approval, the versions are sent to indexation, when the DOI and the XML versions for the main indexers are generated. The manuscript will be allocated to a volume and an issue, and published online on the journal website (PDF and Desktop version), and for Smartphone and Tablet versions.