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Volume 115, Nº 1, Supplement 1, July 2020


DOI: https://doi.org/10.36660/abc.20190488


Case 4/2020 – Prolonged Time (38 Days) of Bilateral Pleural Effusion after Cavopulmonary Surgery, Relieved by Embolization of Systemic-Pulmonary Collateral Vessels, in a 40-Month-Old Child with Complex Heart Disease

Edmar Atik

Raul Arrieta

Fernando Antibas Atik

Figure 1 – Chest x-rays in the postoperative period of cavopulmonary surgery in complex heart disease. The two images on the left depict the pleural effusions and the one on the left shows after the placement of arterial coils and plug in the demonstration of the normal and hypertrophic cardiac area.

Keywords: Heart Defects, Congenital / cirurgia; Fontan Procedure; Double Outlet Right Ventricle; Heart Septal Defects,Ventricular; Pulmonary Valve Stenosis.