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Volume 115, Nº 1, July 2020


DOI: https://doi.org/10.36660/abc.20190207


Acute Cardiorenal Syndrome: Which Diagnostic Criterion to Use And What is its Importance for Prognosis?

Andréa de Melo Leite

Bruno Ferraz de Oliveira Gomes

André Casarsa Marques

João Luiz Fernandes Petriz

Denilson Campos de Albuquerque

Pedro Pimenta de Mello Spineti

Antonio José Lagoeiro Jorge

Humberto Villacorta

Wolney de Andrade Martins

Figure 1 – Flowchart of the studies assessed (PRISMA methodology17).

Keywords: Cardiorenal Syndrome; Renal Insufficiency; Creatinine; Prognosis; Heart Failure; Systematic Review.