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Pressione Enter para iniciar a Busca.

Volume 113, Nº 6, December 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/abc.20190235


Emergent Percutaneous Rotational Atherectomy to Bailout Surgical Transapical Aortic Valve Implantation: A Successful Case of Heart Team Turnaround

Tawfiq Choudhury

Shahrukh N. Bakar

Bob Kiaii

Patrick Teefy

Figure 1 – Percutaneous coronary intervention to circumflex artery lesion. A) Emergent coronary angiogram showing the new ostial left circumflex filling defect and prior mid‑circumflex lesion. Inset view shows ostial left circumflex lesion at greater magnification. B) Rotablator 1.5 mm burr entering culprit ostial left circumflex artery lesion. C) Ostial left circumflex lesion after rotational atherectomy shows angiographic improvement. D) Final angiographic result after stent insertion and high-pressure post-dilatation.

Keywords: Aortic Valve Stenosis; Atherectomy, Coronary; Atherectomy; Peripheral Arterial Disease; Coronary Angiography. Volume 113, Nº 6, Deceber 2019