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Volume 113, Nº 1, July 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/abc.20190090


Vasospasm during Exertion: New Pathophysiological Insights Vasospasm during Exertion: New Pathophysiological Insights

Gonzalo Navarrete

Eduardo Pozo

Fernando Rivero

Teresa Bastante

Luis Jesús Jiménez-Borreguero

Fernando Alfonso

Figure 1 – ICA after stress echocardiogram. A) ICA in caudal right oblique projection that demonstrates mild plaque in proximal LAD. B) ICA in left anterior oblique projection that showed severe obstruction in RCA (arrow). C) ICA in left anterior oblique projection after the implant of bioabsorbable scaffold in RCA. ICA: invasive coronary angiography LAD: left anterior descending artery. RCA: right coronary artery.

Keywords: Coronary Vasoespasm/physiopathology; Coronary Vessels; Myocardial Ischemia; Coronary Angiography; Electrocardiology; Echocardiography.