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Pressione Enter para iniciar a Busca.

Volume 112, Nº 6, June 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/abc.20190106


Vascular Ultrasound Statement from the Department of Cardiovascular Imaging of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology – 2019

Simone Nascimento dos Santos

Monica Luiza de Alcantara

Cláudia Maria Vilas Freire

Armando Luis Cantisano

José Aldo Ribeiro Teodoro

Carmen Lucia Lascasas Porto

Salomon Israel do Amaral

Orlando Veloso

Ana Cristina Lopes Albricker

Ana Cláudia Gomes Pereira Petisco

Fanilda Souto Barros

Márcio Vinícius Lins Barros

Mohamed Hassan Saleh

Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira

Figure 9 – Color flow imaging showing the flow proximal to the lesion in red and the turbulent flow at the lesion site (arrow). The diagrams A and C demonstrate the velocity spectrum with Doppler. (A) Cursor proximal to the lesion to measure V1. (B) Cursor at the lesion site to measure V2. (C) Cursor distal to the lesion with damped waveform.