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Volume 111, Nº 5, November 2018


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/abc.20180191


Rare Presentation of Dercum’s Disease in a Child with Abnormalities in Lipoprotein Metabolism

Maria Cristina de Oliveira Izar

Henrique Andrade Rodrigues da Fonseca

Carolina Nunes França

Valéria Arruda Machado

Carlos Eduardo dos Santos Ferreira

Francisco Antonio Helfenstein Fonseca

Figure 1 – Magnetic resonance images acquired in the A) sagital plane (T1-weighted) and in the B) axial plane (T2-weighted) showing diffusely prominent subcutaneous adipose tissue without delineation of margins or signs of an encapsulated lesion. C) Similar findings are observed in the lumbar region on the T1-weighted sagital image, where it is also possible to identify a linear scar, secondary to a previous surgical resection.

Keywords: Adiposis Dolorosa; Rare Diseases; Inflammation; Lipid Metabolism Disorders; Child; Dyslipidemias.