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Pressione Enter para iniciar a Busca.

Volume 110, Nº 1, January 2018


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/abc.20170185


Pregnancy in Woman with Kawasaki Disease and Multiple Coronary Artery Aneurysms

Walkiria Samuel Avila

Antônio Fernando Diniz Freire

Alexandre Anderson de Sousa Soares

Ana Neri Rodrigues

Epitácio Pereira

José Carlos Nicolau

Figure 1 – (A and B) Echocardiography: ejection fraction 68%; left atrium 35 mm; septum 8mm; posterior wall 8mm; left ventricular diastolic diameter 45mm; left ventricular systolic diameter 30 mm; PSAP 40 mmHg. Dilatation of left coronary artery (7 mm). Left ventricle with preserved systolic function and myocardial thickness, with no changes in segmental wall motion. (C and D) Cardiac catheterization (10/2013): coronary artery ectasia. Dominant coronary with 50% proximal, eccentric tubular lesion and coronary thrombosis; left coronary artery trunk with aneurysmatic dilatation at the distal third; anterior descending artery with ectasia at the proximal third, without obstructive lesions. Circumflex artery with proximal ectasia, without obstructive lesions.

Keywords: Pregnancy; Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome; Coronary Aneurysm.