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Volume 33, Nº 3, Maio e Junho 2020


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5935/2359-4802.20190069


Complete Atrioventricular Block and Cardiopulmonary Involvement in Rapidly Progressive Systemic Sclerosis

Eduarda Cal Viegas

Diane Xavier de Ávila

Eduardo Nani Silva

Luís Otávio Cardoso Mocarzel

Ronaldo Altenburg Gismondi

Figure 1 - 12-lead ECG showing CAVB.


The heart and lung are target organs in systemic sclerosis (SSc) and similar symptoms (dyspnea and cough) may make the differential diagnosis between the two lesions difficult. In addition, complete atrioventricular block (CAVB) is a rare complication of this disease. This case report is about a patient with SSc and pulmonar fibrosis who was admitted to the emergency room with CAVB, heart failure (HF) and progressive worsening of the underlying disease.

Keywords: Heart Failure; Atrioventricular Block; Scleroderma, Systemic; Hypertension, Pulmonary; Pulmonary Fibrosis.