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Volume 32, Nº 5, Setembro e Outubro 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/2359-4802.20190076


The Truth is that Doctors do not Prescribe Physical Activities

Lorena Christine A. Albuquerque

Nabil Ghorayeb

Considering the well-established health benefits of regular physical activity, doctors have a primary role in counseling, encouragement, and education. In fact, they should be proactive in promoting health. Multiple published manuscripts attempted to link the doctors’ level of physical activity to the encouragement of their patients’ physical activity. Sufficient evidence has been provided that medical advice alone does not lead to sustained changes in the behavior of their patients.

Keywords: Cardiovascular Diseases/Prevention and Control; Exercise; Sports; Sports Medicine/Trends; Quality of Life, Risk Factors/Prevention and Control.