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Volume 32, Nº 5, Setembro e Outubro 2019


DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.5935/2359-4802.20190001


Impact of Obesity and Bariatric Surgery in the Outcome of Patients with Heart Failure

Ricardo Mourilhe-Rocha

Nathália Felix Araujo Salvino

Dra. Nathália Felix Araujo Salvino


Currently, the association between obesity and heart failure (HF) is increasingly known. Patients with advanced obesity who suffer from HF without an identifiable cause can be diagnosed as having obesity-associated cardiomyopathy. Although data suggest that obesity may reduce mortality in HF, weight loss, especially in the presence of morbid obesity, reduces symptoms and improves the quality of life of those patients.

Bariatric surgery is the major treatment available for sustained weight loss in morbid obesity. Observational studies have demonstrated an improvement in ventricular structure and function of morbidly obese patients with HF who underwent that procedure.

Thus, despite the risks, bariatric surgery should be considered for patients with HF, because of its potential for reducing associated comorbidities and improving quality of life and functional capacity, in addition to making eligible for heart transplantation those excluded due to high body mass index.

Keywords: Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular; Heart Failure; Obesity; Bariatric Surgery; Comorbidity; Quality of Life.