IJCS | Volume 31, Nº6, November / December 2018

626 Figure 3 - Blood glucose levels (mean, standard deviation) of the conventional and virtual reality rehabilitation groups (CRG and VRG, respectively) at baseline and study end. *significant difference between study end and baseline. CRG: conventional rehabilitation group; VRG: virtual reality rehabilitation group. CRG VRG Blood glucose level (mg/dL) p = 0.0005* p = 0.0001* Baseline Study end Table 5 - Comparison of the variations in functional capacity and blood glucose levels between the conventional and virtual reality rehabilitation groups (CRG and VRG, respectively) expressed as median and interquartile range (25%-75%) 6MWT/ BGL CRG 95% CI LL 95% CI UL VRG 95% CI LL 95% CI UL p value ∆ Distance covered (m) 54.00 [23.43 - 71.39] 10.83 120.3 35.25 [6.875 - 93.63] 4.719 106.2 0.4253 ∆ BGL (mg/dL) -19.80 [-52.45 - (-17.74)] -45.47 -17.66 -23.22 [-50.24 - (-12.56)] -44.13 -18.17 0.7381 6MWT: 6-minute walk test; BGL: blood glucose level; ∆: amplitude; CI: confidence interval; LL: lower limit; UL: upper limit; * significant difference between study end and baseline. Statistical test: Mann Whitney test according to data normality. Silva et al. Virtual rehabilitation for individuals with heart disease Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(6)619-629 Original Article with a significant decrease in capillary blood glucose levels in CRG and VRG by the end of the sessions. Table 5 compares the variation in functional capacity and blood glucose levels in the groups, but with no significant difference. Unwanted effects One individual reported dyspnea and intense fatigue when undergoing the VR protocol, which interrupted the session. Discussion The present study showed that conventional and VR cardiovascular rehabilitation influenced functional capacity and blood glucose level positively, which did not significantly differ between the training modalities. However, no favorable change in body composition and food frequencywas observed in the individuals assessed. Structured cardiovascular rehabilitation programs can provide several benefits to individuals with CVD, such as desirable changes in body composition. 29,30 After