IJCS | Volume 31, Nº6, November / December 2018

625 Figure 2 - Functional capacity (mean, standard deviation) of the conventional and virtual reality rehabilitation groups (CRG and VRG, respectively) at baseline and study end. *significant difference between study end and baseline. CRG: conventional rehabilitation group; VRG: virtual reality rehabilitation group. CRG VRG Distance covered (m) Baseline Study end p = 0.0231* p = 0.0345* Table 4 - Comparison of the variations in monthly food frequency between the conventional and virtual reality rehabilitation groups (CRG and VRG, respectively) expressed as median and interquartile range (25%-75%) FFQ (monthly) CRG 95% CI LL 95% CI UL VRG 95% CI LL 95% CI UL p value ∆ Soups and pasta -0.03 [-0.62 - 0.39] 1.086 2.679 0.47 [-0.61 - 1.00] -0.3105 1.046 0.4253 ∆ Meat and fish 5.69 [3.00 - 6.74] 3.793 6.639 -0.03 [-1.31- 1.48] -1.616 3.148 0.959 ∆ Milk and dairy products -1.25 [-5.48 - 3.34] -4.758 4.462 1.52 [-0.46 - 4.16] -1.413 8.867 0.1052 ∆ Pulses and eggs 0.61 [-0.01 - 2.05] -0.8971 5.359 -0.62 [-6.67 - 1.37] -4.76 1.79 0.0896 ∆ Rice and tubers 0.35 [-2.50 - 3.75] -1.465 2.93 1.32 [-0.25 - 4.49] -0.4805 3.702 0.5351 ∆ Vegetables -1.14 [-7.37 - 1.96] -5.797 0.9937 4.13 [-1.30 - 7.60] 0.1081 9.09 0.0147* ∆ Sauces and seasonings -2.62 [-10.53 - 3.87] -9.435 6.022 8.84 [-2.60 - 21.25] 2.479 17.8 0.0269* ∆ Fruits 2.35 [-0.20 - 6.09] -1.871 5.892 1.25 [-1.49 - 5.56] -0.6194 6.075 0.7617 ∆ Beverages 0.44 [-3.66 - 3.40] -8.269 17.58 -0.21 [-6.79 - 5.46] -6.769 3.609 0.7381 ∆ Breads and cookies 1.24 [-3.39 - 10.04] -2.224 10.33 -0.69 [ -4.19 - 3.69] -4.104 6.035 0.3413 ∆ Sweets and desserts 5.12 [0.26 - 7.68] -1.185 7.903 2.50 [-0.90 - 8.75] -0.3229 8.867 0.9181 FFQ: food frequency questionnaire; ∆: amplitude; CI: confidence interval; LL: lower limit; UL: upper limit; * significant difference between study end and baseline. Statistical tests: nonpaired Student t test or Mann Whitney test according to data normality. Silva et al. Virtual rehabilitation for individuals with heart disease Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(6)619-629 Original Article