IJCS | Volume 31, Nº6, November / December 2018

597 Table 1 - Prevalence of physically inactive individuals according to age groups (in years) and the expected number in the population Age groups (years) Sample (n) CP - PA (%) CP - PI (%) Number of inhabitants for each age group Expected number of PI in the population 18 to 39 220 34.5 65.5 145,938 95,589 40 to 49 395 35.7 64.3 48,637 31,273 50 to 59 449 33.6 66.4 32,416 21,524 60 to 69 375 37.3 62.7 21,602 13,545 ≥ 70 278 21.9 78.1 * 15,133 11,819 Total 1,717 34.2 65.8 263,768 173,559 CP: corrected for population of the city, PA: physically active, PI: physically inactive. * p = 0.03: ≥ 70 group vs all groups. Table 2 - Characteristics of the population stratified according to gender, socioeconomic status, formal education, body mass index, hypertension and metabolic syndrome N CP (95% CI) PI (%) PA (%) PI prevalence ratio p-value Gender Male (M) 837 48.4 (44.6-52.2) 60.1 39.9 PI F/M: 1.19 0.003 Female (F) 880 51.6 (47.8-55.4) 71.2 28.8 Socioeconomic status AB 376 19.8 (17.0-22.7) 58.0 42.0 AB/DE: 1.13 0.03 C 719 43.2 (39.4-47.0) 69.7 30.3 C/AB: 1.20 DE 622 37.0 (33.2-40.7) 65.7 34.3 C/DE: 1.06 Schooling < 11 Years 1225 60.7 (56.9-64.5) 69.5 30.5 PI < 11y/> 11y: 1.15 0.02 > 11 Years 492 39.3 (35.5-43.1) 60.2 39.8 BMI Normal Weight 676 44.6 (40.7-48.4) 64.5 35.5 N/Ob: 0.94 NS Overweight 645 33.2 (29.7-36.7) 65.8 34.2 N/Over: 0.98 Obesity 396 22.2 (19.1-25.4) 68.7 31.5 Over/Ob: 0.96 Blood pressure Hypertensive 762 25.4 (22.8-27.9) 27.5 21.4 PI HT/PA HT: 1.28 0.04 Normotensive 955 74.6 (72.2-77.4) 72.5 78.6 MetS with MetS 467 22.7 (19.4-26.0) 26.1 16.7 PI MetS/PA MetS:1.56 0.007 without MetS 902 77.3 (72.2-79.0) 73.9 83.3 The socioeconomic status is divided into 3 grouped social classes (AB, C and DE). All the data were corrected for the total population of the city. The statistical analysis was performed by estimation and population association testing by means of the method of weighted least squares. CI: confidence interval, CP: corrected for population of the city, BMI: body mass index, MetS: metabolic syndrome, PI: physically inactive, PA: physically active, N: normal weight, Ob: obesity; Over: overweight, NT: normotensive, HT: hypertensive. Rissardi et al. Effects of physical inactivity on blood glucose Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(6)594-602 Original Article The prevalence of PI individuals was higher among women as compared with men, with a prevalence ratio of 1.19 (p = 0.003). There was a lower prevalence of PI in class AB, in comparison with class C (p = 0.03). The prevalence rate of PI among those with lower educational levelswhen comparedwith thosewith higher educational