IJCS | Volume 33, Nº4, July and August 2020

CV continuum Avoidable Threshold 3: Development of Clinical Disease Early vascular aging Average lifecourse Individualised strategies (eg, absolute risk-based) Population-based strategies Avoidable Threshold 2: Development of subclinical target-organ damage Avoidable Threshold 1: Development of elevated BP Childhood Early adulthood Middle-age Advanced age Elderly (>80 years) Lifecourse Ideal lifecourse CV death Subclinical TOD Elevated BP Healthy Figure 1 – Ideal lifecourse and vascular aging (Adapted from Nilsson et al Early Vascular Aging and Prevention)[2] CV: cardiovascular; TOD: target organ damage; BP: blood pressure. Figure 2 – Vascular Aging (Adapted from Nilsson et al Early Vascular Aging and Prevention). Mean BP (MBP); Cardiovascular (CV) events[2]. 358 Campana & Inuzuka Arterial Stiffness Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(4):357-359 Editorial