IJCS | Volume 33, Nº4, July and August 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36660/ijcs.20180070 331 ORIGINAL ARTICLE International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. 2020; 33(4):331-336 Mailing Address: Juciane Guimarães Av. Reitor Miguel Calmon, s/n. Postal Code: 40110-100, Vale do Canela, Salvador, BA – Brazil. E-mail: juci.guima@hotmail.com , isabelcbguimaraes@gmail.com Clinical and Epidemiological Profiles of Patients Admitted to a Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Juciane Rocha Guimarãe s a nd Isabel Cristina Britto Guimarãe s Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA – Brazil Manuscript received on October 02, 2018; reviewed on June 24,2019; accepted on August 27, 2019. Abstract Background: Congenital and acquired heart diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality in children. In critical congenital heart defects, when treatment is not adequate, clinical manifestations may lead to death in the neonatal period. Objective: To establish the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients admitted to the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (UTI) in a tertiary hospital. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from January 2013 to December 2014, based on analysis of patients’ medical records. The study sample was composed of 307 children and adolescents with congenial and acquired heart diseases. The score Risk Adjustement for Congenital Heart Surgery 1 (RACHS-1) was used for categorization of the various surgical procedures. Descriptive statistics were calculated using the Satistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Categorical variables were compared using the Pearson’s chi-square test, considering a level of significance of 5%. Results: There was a predominance of patients aged between 28 days and one year (44%). Congenital heart diseases (91.9%) prevailed over acquired heart diseases (8.1%). Extracorporeal circulation was used in 138 patients who underwent surgical procedures, lasting from 12 to 261 minutes. Most patients (88.9%) were discharged from the ICU and 11.1% died. Using the score RACHS-1, corrective cardiac surgery was performed in 75.8% and paliative surgery in 24.2% of the patients. Conclusions: Patients aged between 28 days to one year, with cyanotic congenital heart disease, undergoing cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation duration longer than 120 minutes are at a higher risk of death. (Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(4):331-336) Keywords: Heart Defects, Congenital/Surgery; Epidemiology; Intensive Care Units, Pediatric; Heart Septal Defects/ Surgery; Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular/Surgery. Introduction During embryonic period, cardiac chambers are formed from the cardiac tube division, and interaction of cardiovascular system is defined. During this process, some diseases may appear and progress to death or abnormalities, many of them soon after birth. 1 Congenital heart diseases are described as defects in the structure of the heart that is present at birth, caused by failure of heart formation after conception or between the eight and tenth week of gestation. 2 Congenital heart diseases can be classified according to pulmonary flow. Obstructive acyanotic heart defects with normal flow include coarctation of the aorta, interrupted aortic arch, aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis and pulmonary stenosis. Acyanotic heart defects with pulmonary hyperflowand left-to-right shunt include interventricular communication (IVC), interatrial communication (IAC),