IJCS | Volume 33, Nº3, May / June 2020

In the ERICA (Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents) study, 71,000 adolescents were evaluated in 1,248 schools of 121 Brazilian municipalities. The purpose of the study was to identify cardiovascular risk factors, such as metabolic syndrome, hypertension, physical inactivity, obesity, among others. These data provides a better understanding of issues related to the health of Brazilian adolescents, and allows for more effective public health interventions aimed at protecting this stage of life, since several of these risk factors tend to continue into adulthood. 9 Among the main study results are: high prevalence of overweight/obesity (25,5%, 95%CI: 24.4%-26.6%), high blood pressure (9.6%, 95%CI: 8.9%-10.3%) and low HDL-C (47.3%, 95%CI: 45.2%-49.3%). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was of 2.6% (95%CI: 2.3%-2.9%). In addition, more than half of the adolescents reported a sedentary lifestyle. Regional estimates indicated the South region as the one with the highest prevalence of risk factors. The ERICA study also demonstrated an important relationship between the incidence of hypertension and obesity. In fact, the study indicated that obesity, in young populations, could explain one-fifth of the prevalence of hypertension among these adolescents. 10 In their article published in this issue, Moreira e cols . provide data in agreement with other Brazilian samples. They search to identify the cardiovascular risk factors in hypertensive patients assisted in a primary health care center, located in a municipality of Zona da Mata, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.  The method they used included data collection, administration of questionnaires, anthropometric measurements and laboratory tests. A high cardiovascular risk was associated with male sex, number of medications used and high total cholesterol rates. An inverse correlation was observed between the glomerular filtration rate and cardiovascular risk. They also observed that most risk factors in this population were modifiable. These results show that the data are aligned with the main national and international guidelines, according to which changes in lifestyle and the implementation of public health policies can effectively correct, or at least control, these modifiable cardiovascular risk factors. 1. Précoma DB, Oliveira GMM, SimãoAF, Dutra OP, Coelho OR, IzarMCO, et al. Atualização da Diretriz de Prevenção Cardiovascular da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia – 2019. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019;113(4):787-891. 2. Malachias MVB, Souza WKSB, Plavnik FL, Rodrigues CIS, Brandão AA, Neves MFT, et al., Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. 7ª Diretriz Brasileira de HipertensãoArterial.Arq Bras Cardiol 2016;107(supl 3):1-83. 3. Moreira TR, Toledo LV, Mendonça EJ, Colodette RM, Silva L, Cotta RM - Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk in Hypertensive Individuals Attending a Primary Health Care Center. Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020;33(3):225-226. 4. JardimPCV. Excesso de peso, o risco cardiovascular do século - Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019;113(2):185-7. 5. Silveira EL, Cunha LM, Pantoja MS, Lima AVM, Cunha NA. Prevalência e distribuiçãodefatoresderiscocardiovascularemportadoresdedoençaarterial coronariananoNortedoBrasil-RevFacCiêncMédSorocaba.2018;20(3):167-73. References This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 6. Pizzi OL, BrandãoAA, Pozzan R, MagalhaesMEC, Freitas EV.Velocidade de onda de pulso no jovem . Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;100(1):60-6 7. Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. ELSA Brasil: maior estudo epidemiológico da América Latina - Rev Saúde Pública. 2009;43(1):1-2. 8. Eickemberg M, Amorim LD, Almeida MC, Aquino EM, Fonseca MJ. e cols. - Indicadores de Adiposidade Abdominal e Espessura Médio- Intimal de Carótidas: Resultados do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto - ELSA-Brasil - Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(3):220-7 9. Cureau FV, Bloch KV, Schaan BD. Estudos dos Riscos Cardiovasculares em Adolescentes (ERICA): resultados e potencialidade – Ver Saúde Pública. 2016; 50 (supl 1):2s. 10. Cureau, Felipe Vogt; Bloch, Kátia Vergetti; Schaan, Beatriz D. Estudo de riscos cardiovasculares em adolescentes (ERICA): resultados principais e perspectivas. Rev Soc Cardiol Estado de Säo Paulo.2019;29(1):28-33. 226 Campana & Costa The importance of cardiovascular risk in primary healthcare Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(3):225-226 Editorial