IJCS | Volume 33, Nº3, May / June 2020

220 Table 1 - Demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of the studied population Characteristics General (n = 166) Age in years (mean ± standard deviation) 62.86 ± 9.30 Sex (F/M) – n (%) 130 (78.3%)/36 (21.7%) Marital status (with a partner / without a partner) – n (%) 110 (66.3%)/56 (33.7%) Education (up to 4 years / more than 4 years) – n (%) 140 (84.4%)/16 (15.6%) Smoker (yes/no) – n (%) 14 (8.4%)/152 (91.6%) Use of alcohol (yes/no) – n (%) 25 (15.1%)/141 (84.9%) Physical activity (active/sedentary) – n (%) 118 (71.1%)/48 (28.9%) Known hypertension length in years – median (IQR) 9.00 (4.00-15.00) Number of medications – median (IQR) 4.00 (2.00-5.00) Diabetes (yes/no) – n (%) 35 (21.1%)/131 (78.9%) Body mass index - median (IQR) 28.71 (25.75-34.20) Waist circumference - median (IQR) 95.00 (89.00-106.00) Glomerular filtration rate (mean ± standard deviation) 67.31 ± 13.39 Serum urea - median (IQR) 36.0 (32.0-40.0) Serum albumin (mean ± standard deviation) 4.01 ± 0.19 Serum glucose - median (IQR) 96.00 (89.00-109.00) Serum total cholesterol (mean ± standard deviation) 202.59 ± 38.76 Serum HDL-cholesterol - median (IQR) 47.00 (42.00-53.00) Serum LDL-cholesterol (mean ± standard deviation) 125.81 ± 32.83 Serum VLDL-cholesterol - median (IQR) 26.00 (19.80-34.40) Serum triglycerides - median (IQR) 130.00 (99.00-172.00) Serum uric acid (mean ± standard deviation) 5.23 ± 1.31 24h urinary protein - median (IQR) 118.34 (86.40-163.80) Microalbuminuria - median (IQR) 21.50 (16.00-29.00) Cardiovascular event risk in % - median (IQR) 9.00 (7.00-15.00) IQR: Interquartile range; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low- density lipoprotein; VLDL very low-density lipoproptein. Table 2 - Distribution of cardiovascular event risk determined by the Framingham risk score by sociodemographic characteristics and life habits Median (IQR) p-value* Sex Female 8.00 (6.00-13.00) < 0.001 Male 18.00 (10.00-22.00) Marital status Without partner 11.00 (7.00-13.00) 0.517 With partner 8.50 (6.00-17.00) Education Up to 4 years 11.00 (7.00-17.00) 0.004 More than 4 years 7.00 (5.00-9.00) Use of alcohol Yes 11.00 (6.00-18.00) 0.803 No 9.00 (7.00-15.00) Smoker Yes 8.50 (7.00-22.00 0.254 No 9.00 (6.00-15.00) Physical activity Active 8.00 (6.00-15.00) 0.030 Inactive 11.00 (7.00-19.00) IQR: Interquartile range; * U test of Mann-Whitney. Moreira et al. Cardiovascular risk in hypertensive individuals Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(3):217-224 Original Article present study, educational level was not associated with cardiovascular risk. This may be explained by the low degree of schooling of the sample (about 84% of the sample presented less than 4 years of schooling). Among life habits, although advanced age may decrease the ability to perform some types of physical activity, exercises of mild and moderate intensity, such as hiking, should be encouraged, especially in elderly people. 19 In the present study, the percentage of individuals with a sedentary lifestyle was lower than that reported in other studies. 6,19 One possible explanation is the fact that our study group was composed of a greater percentage of women who performed domestic activites (cleaning, gardening, sweeping), detected by means of the IPAQ. In addition, most of participants were enrolled in health promotion group activities conducted