IJCS | Volume 33, Nº2, March / April 2020

170 Chart 1 - Items of the Questionário de conhecimento sobre parada cardiorrespiratória e ressuscitação cardiopulmonar categorized by area of knowledge Category Question CA diagnosis 02 items 1. Which pulse should be checked for the initial evaluation of the patient? 2. How much time should be used to check pulse and breath at the same time? Ventilation 04 items 4. What is the compression-ventilation relationship with the patient that has CA but has not yet been intubated? 5. What is the compression-ventilation relationship with the CA patient who was intubated? 12. How should the patient be ventilated in CA if it is connected to the mechanical ventilator? 13. What is the oxygen flow for patient ventilation when in CA? External thoracic compression 05 items 6. With which frequency are External Thoracic Compressions done after intubation? 7. What should be the depth of the External Cardiac Compressions? 16. It is a characteristic of the quality of External Thoracic Compression: 17. Regarding the return of the chest after the External Thoracic Compression: 18. How and what should be the support site for the health professional's hands on the patient's chest in order to perform External Thoracic Compressions? Defibrillation 05 items 3. What is the recommended course of initial care in the case of CA for Non-Pulse Ventricular Tachycardia? 8. What are CA rhythms that should be treated with defibrillation? 9. What are CA rhythms that should NOT be treated with defibrillation? 10. What is the maximum energy load used in the Single Phase and Biphasic Defibrillator for "shockable" CA rates, respectively? 15. After defibrillation, what should be the next step? Medications 04 items 11. What is the dose and frequency of Adrenalin administration in CA? 14. How should medications be prepared and administered during CA? 19. Which drug is used at all CA rates? 20. When indicated, which doses of Amiodarone for the first and second administrations, respectively? Novaes Neto & Freitas Factors associated to knowledge of cardiac arrest Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2020; 33(2):167-174 Original Article between 0 and 30 days. The most reported mean CA/ PCR service was between 0 and 2 CA/PCR per month (44.7%). Regarding the perception of personal security when assisting, 79.8% reported feeling safe to perform care in CA/CPR. Prevalence of knowledge of Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation among health professionals Table 2 presents the prevalence of this study’s outcome, considering an 85% criterion, according to the American Heart Association. A total of 78% of health professionals presented insufficient knowledge about Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Only 22% of the participants presented sufficient knowledge. Factors associated with the knowledge of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation by health professionals After analyzing the level of knowledge and other variables, the following ten variables were added to the final model for multivariate analysis 7 : female sex (p = 0.015), technical level of education (p = 0.045), professional category as nurse (p = 0.000) and nursing technician (p = 0.000), had another job (p = 0.083), worked under on-call duty (p = 0.009), weekly workload above 40 hours (p = 0.003), receiving CA/CPR training for over 12 months (p = 0.048), time of contact with CA/CPR over 30 days (p = 0.046) and not having personal safety in performing CA/CPR (p = 0.037). The results of the logistic regression are shown in Table 3. Diagnostic analysis of the final model was performed using the Hosmer-Lemeshow test, which revealed