IJCS | Volume 32, Nº5, September/October 2019

512 Table 3 - Frequency risk factor distribution or mean (SD) according with the presence of hypovitaminosis D Hypovitaminosis D Yes No Sex Men 80 (37.0) 136 (63.0) Women 143 (41.0) 210 (59.0) Age 57.79 ± 0.55 58.82 ± 0.55 SBP (mmHg) ɸ 139,7 ± 1.44 134,41 ± 1.23*** DBP (mmHg)¥ 85,04 ± 0.83 80,58 ± 0.62 Hypertension# Yes 199 (49.9) 202 (50.01) No 24 (14.3) 144 (85.7) Diabetes£ Yes 62 (44.0) 78 (56.0) No 161 (38.0) 267 (62.0) Obesity BMI$ ≥ 30 103 (61.0) 66 (39.0)*** BMI < 30 118 (30.0) 280 (70.0) BMI 29.950.37 26,70.27*** LDL (mg/dL) 139,892.68 134,062.19* HDL (mg/dL) 54,391.10 54,630.87 Triglycerides 181,9535.51 139,186.64 Infarction € Yes 9 (47.0) 10 (53.0) No 214 (39.0) 336 (61.0) Stroke € Yes 11 (58.0) 8 (42.0) No 212 (39.0) 338 (61.0) ɸ: systolic blood pressure; ¥: diastolic blood pressure; #: previous diagnosis, or use of medication or blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg; £: previous diagnosis, or use of medication or fasting glycemia ≥ 126mg/ dL; $: body mass index; €: patient report; *P value of chi-square or t tests ≥ 0.05 and < 0.1; ***P value of chi-square or t tests < 0.01. Table 4 - Difference in means of echocardiographic parameters as markers of major diastolic dysfunction according with the presence of hypovitaminosis D Parameters measured by echo- Doppler Hypovitaminosis D LAD (cm) Yes *** 3,42 ± 0,03 *** No 3,3 ± 0,02 LADi (cm/m 2 ) Yes * 1,92 ± 0,02 No 1,94 ± 0,01 LAV (ml) Yes *** 38,73 ± 0,67 *** No 35,8 ± 0,56 LAVi (ml/m 2 ) Yes ** 21,65 ± 0,37 No 20,97 ± 0,3 E` (cm/s) Yes *** 10,02 ± 0,18 No 10,37 ± 0,16 E/E´ Yes *** 6.73 ± 1.12 No 6.76 ± 1.14 A` (cm/s) Yes 11,52 ± 0,18 No 11,3 ± 0,16 E`/A` Yes 0,92 ± 0,02 * No 0,98 ± 0,02 DT ms Yes 228,09 ± 3,27 ** No 218,21 ± 2,74 *P value of t tests ≥ 0.05 and < 0.1; ** P value of t tests ≥ 0.01 and < 0.5; ***P value of t tests < 0.01. the proportions of obesity. The differences in means of LDL-Cholesterol values and in proportions of stroke reached a statistical significance of > 0.1. Thedifferencesinmeanvaluesfortheechocardiographic parameters of major diastolic function, according to the presence of hypovitaminosis D, can be seen in Table 4. All parameters classified as markers of major diastolic dysfunction (non-indexed LAD and LAV, E’/A´ and E-wave deceleration time) showed an association with the presence of hypovitaminosis D. The E/A ration, classified as a marker of minor diastolic dysfunction, was also associated with the presence of hypovitaminosis D (Table 5). Associations of OSA risk with parameter markers of major diastolic dysfunction and remodeling can be seen Macedo et al. Increased left atrial volume Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2019;32(5):508-516 Original Article