IJCS | Volume 32, Nº5, September/October 2019

511 Figure 2 - Schematic representation of LAVi measured by biplane Simpson's method, at end-systole, in 4- and 2-chamber views. 14 test based on the principle of chemiluminescence. Blood or anticoagulated bloodwas used, with values estimated in ng/ml. 15 Interest exposure definition: Vitamin D deficiency may worsen the diastolic function and contribute to hypertrophy of myofibrils and death of cardiomyocytes, resulting in arrhythmias and altered endothelial function, since cardiomyocytes possess a vitamin D receptor and a calcitriol-dependent Ca 2+ binding protein, which can modulate contraction of cardiomyocytes. When at decreased levels, they might contribute to contractile changes and constitute a pathogenic factor in the onset of the cardiomyopathy. 5 It is estimated that 1 billion people worldwide exhibit moderate or severe deficiency of Vitamin D.8,9,16 This is mainly related with: insufficient ingestion, inadequate sun exposure, liver disease and renal failure. Statistical Analysis The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for all computations. All data were presented using summarized descriptive tables. Data were expressed as mean (SD) for continuous variables and frequency for categorical variables. Comparisons between groups were performed using Pearson´s chi-square for categorical variables and Student’s t-test for continuous variables. A value of P < 0.05 was used as an indicator of statistical significance.  Results Hypovitaminosis D was confirmed in 39.2% of patients, of whom 34.8% presented with diastolic dysfunction. We observed that it could be established even in later phases of diastole, that is, in LV compliance, which may cause hemodynamic repercussion, due to increased filling pressure, and the major parameters used to clarify this condition of severity. Table 3 shows the characteristics of the individuals analyzed according to the presence of hypovitaminosis D. There was significant statistical difference between the mean values of SBP (+), DBP (+) and BMI, and between Table 2 - Criteria of vitamin D deficiency 15 25 (OH)D (ng/ml) Status > 30 Sufficiency < 20 Deficiency Macedo et al. Increased left atrial volume Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2019;32(5):508-516 Original Article