IJCS | Volume 32, Nº4, July/August 2019

334 Table 1 - Application instructions 1 The C-AFQ (CLINIMEX Aerobic Fitness Questionnaire) should be applied in two steps, to make it faster and more efficient. 2 The objective of step 1 is to identify the range to which the individual belongs (0 to 10), by asking: - Do you think you can do this? If the answer is positive, move to the following sentence from the Zone immediately below, until a negative response is obtained. Otherwise, go back to the previous zone. 3 To speed up, the interviewer can already pre-select zones, as suggested below if the individual is less than 40 years old (male) - Zone Line 5 if he is between 51 and 60 years old - Zone Line 4 if he is over 60 - Zone Line 3 4 Once the correct zone is identified, proceed to step 2 In step 2, the various sub-band options are presented and the individuals should identify which of the sentences he/she believes it could do (it can be more than one or just one of the sentences). 5 The estimated aerobic fitness is characterized by the number of METs corresponding to the MET value that contains a sentence with any exercise or physical activity he/she believes that it will be able to perform. Table 2 - CLINIMEX - Aerobic Fitness Questionnaire AEROBIC FITNESS QUESTIONNAIRE [step 1] Instruction to fill: Identify the number corresponding to the most intense exercise / physical activity you are likely to do with your current aerobic fitness (disregarding recent orthopedic problems or other relevant motion limitations) ZONE Exercise or Physical Activity METs 0 Lying in bed 0.9 1 Sitting: napping, reading, watching television or listening to the radio 1 2 Standing: working, talking, ironing, cooking or attending religious acts/shows/plays 2 3 Walking at least 1 km or 10 minutes (non-stop) 3.5 4 Running, slowly, one block or 100 meters 6 5 Running, slowly, at least 1 km or 10 minutes (no walking or stopping) 9 6 Running continuously, for up to 40 minutes 12 7 Completing a half-marathon in about 2 hours and a marathon in about 4 ½ hours 15 8 Completing a half-marathon in 1h30min–1h40min or a marathon in 3h15min–3h40min 18 9 Completing a half-marathon in 1h20min–1h30min or a marathon in 3h–3h15min 20 10 Running a half-marathon in less than 1h20min or a marathon for less than 3 hours > 20 Araújo et al. CLINIMEX aerobic fitness questionnaire Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2019;32(4):331-342 Original Article 8.41 ± 0.08 METs [mean ± standard error of the mean] and 8.56 ± 0.12 METs (p = 0.07). However, for a given individual, measured VO 2 max could range from 28.8% to 236% of sex- and age-predicted VO 2 max, corresponding to differences ranging from -9.6 to 8.3 METs. The correlation coefficient between the sex- and age-predicted VO 2 max and measured VO 2 max was 0.69 (p < 0.001). The minimum and maximum values obtained from the 1,000 subjects for C-AFQ and measured VO 2 max were, respectively, 2 and 21METs and 1.9 and 20.7METs, with interquartile ranges [percentile 25–percentile 75] being 6.0–12.0 METs for estimated and 5.6–11.0 METs for measured aerobic fitness. When comparing the mean values, a small but statistically significant difference was found between estimated aerobic fitness - 8.92 ± 0.12