IJCS | Volume 32, Nº4, July/August 2019

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References Araújo & Mesquita Exercise and sport: a five-star path for cv health Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2019;32(4):313-316 Editorial The thematic issue openswith a special communication written by Dr. Ricardo Stein to honor a true icon of Exercise Physiology and Cardiology, Prof. Jorge Pinto Ribeiro, a brilliant cardiologist and sport/exercise physician who passed away some years ago. Then, two viewpoints, the first 10 presenting an innovative format of questions (posed by the leading author) & answers, with participation of distinguished experts in the field from Austria, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Germany and United States, and the second with Dr. Aaron Baggish, from the Massachusetts General Hospital, as the leading author. 11 This very intriguing paper 11 describes a clinical case of a master athlete with coronary artery disease that suffered a cardiac event during a marathon and brings to the discussion some issues about eligibility for sport participation and shared-decision making. Moving to original papers, there are a total of seven studies that range from relevant aspects of cardiopulmonary exercise testing, an areawhere Brazilian researchers have made important contributions to the literature, to a timely systematic reviewandmeta-analysis of the effect of regular physical activity on the incidence of atrial fibrillation. 12 The readers will certainly find new and high quality scientific information. Two of these papers make very useful and practical contributions to those working with exercise in their daily practice. In one of these, the authors discuss the proposal and validation of a simple questionnaire for estimating aerobic fitness, 13 and the second one proposes aerobic reference standards derived from a large sample of Brazilian adults. Then, six review papers are being published in this issue. Authored by Dr. Rachel Lampert from Yale University (United States), the first review study presents the results of the analysis of updated data, derived from an important registry, on sports participation for athletes using implantable cardiac defibrillators, and also discusses the issue of shared-decision making. 14 The second paper presents very practical information for cardiologists who see healthy and unhealthy athletes and practitioners, about the use of wrist monitors and smartphone apps to measure exercise heart rate. Other important topics are covered in three non-systematic reviews and include: sex differences in sudden death during sports and exercise, impact of exercise training on cardiovascular and autonomic responses and the role of exercise training in the management of erectile dysfunction. 15 Last but not least, the table of contents of this thematic issue ends with a very interesting case report from Portugal, describing a youngmanwho suffered a cardiac arrest during a handball game and relevant aspects of pre-participation assessment and in-field emergency medical services. Since all the contents of this thematic issue are open access and freely downloadable from the journal’s website and fromSciELO platform, we believe that many professionals will have the opportunity to acquire or review relevant and practical knowledge and updated concepts about exercise and cardiology. Consequently, not only patients, but the professionals themselves, as well as their families and friends may be benefited from these data, which strongly encourage, based on scientific evidence, the use of physical activity, exercise and sport as a five-star path for a better cardiovascular and general health for the Brazilian population. Don’t wait any longer, it is time to move!