IJCS | Volume 32, Nº2, May/June 2019

204 Figure 1 - Unique and fundamental characteristics of knowledge within Open Science. (Adapted from ref. 2 ). 1. Albagli S. Ciência aberta como instrumento de democratização do saber [Editorial]. Trab educ saúde .[Internet] 2017;15(3):659–60. [Cited in 2019 Feb 14].Available from: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_ arttext&pid=S1981-77462017000300659&lng=pt&tlng=pt 2. Vicente-Saez R, Martinez-Fuentes C. Open Science now: A systematic literature review for an integrated definition. J Bus Res. 2018;88(C):428–36. 3. Mesquita CT. Integrity in Scientific Research. Int J Cardiovasc Sci. [Internet] 2017;30(1):1–3. [Cited in 2019 Feb 10]. Available from: http:// www.nap.edu/catalog/10430 4. Albagli S, Clinio A, Raychtock S. Ciência aberta: correntes interpretativas e tipos de ação │ Open Science: interpretive trends and types of action. Liinc em Rev. 2014;10(2):434–50. 5. Bozzola E, Spina G, Russo R, BozzolaM, CorselloG, Villani A. Mandatory vaccinations in European countries, undocumented information, false news and the impact on vaccination uptake: The position of the Italian pediatric society. Ital J Pediatr. 2018;44(1):1–4. 6. Haug CJ. No Free Lunch —What Price Plan S for Scientific Publishing? N Engl J Med. 2019;380(12):1181-5. References Mesquita et al. Open Science Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2019;32(3)203-204 Editorial and with the public and the media. 4 Making society more aware of science is fundamental in order to avoid the dissemination of fake news, which has caused significantly adverse impacts, such as the decline in vaccination figures. 5 In short, the movement for open science is irreversible, with data showing that in 2016, about one in every five published articles was immediately available after publication, either by access in open journals (15%) or because the authors had paid for publication in journals that require an amount to be paid tomake themanuscript open to the readers on a free-of-charge basis (the so-called gold open accessmodel). 6 The EuropeanUnion’s initiative to require that articles resulting from research funded by public research funding agencies be published only in open-access journals from January 2020 is one of the most hard-hitting ways to encourage the dissemination of open science (S Plan). 6 Many people question whether the model of scientific publications will be sustainable in the future, and whether closed-access journals requiring paid subscriptions will be thrive in this fast-changing scenario. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences and Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia have been closely watching this global initiative, whose main characteristics include the promotion of cardiovascular knowledge among its readers in a free and open way, with no publication costs and with the incorporation of new scientific progress approaches, such as acceptance of preprints and encouragement to include databases in online repositories. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License