IJCS | Volume 31, Nº5, September / October 2018

496 Table 2 - Comparisons between the groups with high, moderate and low cardiovascular risk Variables (%) High risk (n = 23) Moderate risk (n = 19) Low risk (n = 30) CI OR p value Non-modifiable risk factors Male sex 57% 63% 33% 1.274 0.9203 – 1.762 0.1777 Age ≥ 60 years 91% 63% 17% 7.628 3.999 – 14.549 < 0.0001 Age < 60 years 9% 37% 83% 0.1311 0.0687 – 0.2501 < 0.0001 DM 39% 37% 17% 1.423 1.035 – 1.957 0.0466 Family history + 35% 37% 37% 0.9435 0.6736 – 1.322 0.7994 Modifiable risk factors HBP 65% 68% 37% 1.420 1.009 – 1.999 0.0479 DLP 65% 47% 53% 1.519 1.079 – 2.140 0.0143 Smoking 48% 37% 30% 1.485 1.083 – 2.037 0.0169 CI: confidence interval; OR: odds ratio; DM: diabetes mellitus; HBP: high blood pressure; DLP: dyslipidemia. Graph 2 - Distribution of patients by cardiovascular risk estimated by the 2013 AHA/ACC (American Heart Association (AHA) and American College of Cardiology) ASCVD (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease) Risk Estimator; n (%). MODERATE RISK HIGH RISK LOW RISK TOTAL N of calculated cardiovascular risk Azevedo et al. ASCVD risk estimator to estimate CVD risk Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(5)492-498 Original Article outpatient department of Goiânia Emergency Hospital, 103 medical records of hypertensive patients were reviewed, and a frequency of 11% of dyslipidemic patients, 9% of diabetic, 8% of smokers, and 20% of patients with a FamH of CVD were reported. This illustrates the important association of the risk factors for the development of CVDs. 17 Our study population were aged 43 years or more, with a maximum age of 79 years and median of 60 years. Among patients with a high cardiovascular risk, age ranged from 57 to 79 years (median 68 years). We found significantly relevant correlations of a high cardiovascular risk with age > 60 years and < 60 years, DM, HBP, dyslipidemia and smoking. Age