IJCS | Volume 31, Nº5, September / October 2018

495 Table 1 - Characteristics of the study population Variables (%) Total of patients (n = 72) Men (n = 35) Women (n = 37) p value Non-modifiable risk factors Age ≥ 60 years 51% 51% 51% 1.00 Age < 60 years 49% 49% 49% 1.00 Family history + 36% 29% 43% 0.039 DM 29% 23% 35% 0.061 Modifiable risk factors HBP 54% 37% 70% 0.00003 DLP 56% 69% 43% 0.00021 Smoking 38% 46% 30% 0.0197 DM: diabetes mellitus; HBP: high blood pressure; DLP: dyslipidemia. Graph 1 - Distribution of patients by exclusion criteria, n(%). HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; DVT: deep vein thrombosis; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; ICU: intensive care unit. READMISSION HDL < 20 LDL > 190 AFTER THROMBOSIS (DVT/PTE) AFTER AMI AFTER STROKE CHOLESTEROL < 130 WITHOUT ADMISSION INFORMATION PATIENT IN ICU AGE > 79 AGE < 40 NO LIPID PROFILE TOTAL EXCLUDED Azevedo et al. ASCVD risk estimator to estimate CVD risk Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(5)492-498 Original Article Family history has been considered and independent risk factor, especially if observed in first degree relatives aged younger than 55 years for men and 65 years for women. 12 This factor, alone, increases cardiovascular risk by 40-60%. 13 In our study, however, we found no significant difference between the groups in the risk related to this variable. Our findings were different from the statistics of the prevalence of risk factors in the Brazilian population described in a previous publication (VIGITEL) 14 . This may be explained by the lower number of participants and their characteristics – we included only hospitalized patients, who might be at considerable risk already. In a study conducted in a family health center in Alagoas, the Framingham score was used to stratify 127 patients according to their cardiovascular risk; 11% of these patients were considered at high risk. Regarding the risk factors, 6.3%were smokers, 48.8% hypertensive, 19.7% diabetic and 43.1% dyslipidemic. 15 Another study carried out in a cardiology outpatient center of a university hospital in Porto Alegre showed that 36.5% of the patients had a moderate or high cardiovascular risk, and 83.8% of them were hypertensive, 30.7% diabetic and 26.4% dyslipidemic; 12% were smokers, and 86.8% of them had a FamH of CVD. 16 In addition, in a descriptive study performed at the cardiology