IJCS | Volume 31, Nº4, July / August 2018

399 Macedo et al. Periodized model for prescribed exercises Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(4)393-404 Original Article Table 2 - Baseline characteristics of the study population Sample characteristic PG NPG n (men) 28 (100%) 32 (100%) Age ± SD, years 55.89 ± 8.2 62.4 ± 11.8 Left ventricular ejection fraction, ** % 65.57 ± 5.5 66.09 ± 5.7 Body mass index 28.2 ± 3.5 28.9 ± 4.4 Abdominal circumference 100.7 ± 9.0 101.0 ± 10.6 Positive family history / cardiovascular disease 20 (71.5%) 24 (80%) Dyslipidemia 27 (96.7%) 32 (100%) Obesity 12 (42.8%) 22 (68.75%) Sedentary life style 22 (78.5%) 25 (78.1%) Stress 25 (89.2.8%) 22 (68.75%) Smoking habit 4 (14.2%) 8 (25%) Diabetes mellitus 5 (17.8%) 3 (9.3%) High blood pressure 12 (42.8%) 15 (46.8%) Stratification of risk for exercises Low risk 21 (75%) 25 (78.1%) Moderate risk 8 (21.6%) 3 (8.1%) Anatomic location of injuries Right coronary 5 (14.2%) Posterior descending 0 Left main coronary 2 (7.1%) Anterior descending 18 (64.2%) Diagonal 5 (17.8%) Circumflex 6 (21.4%) Marginal 0 Arteries with stent implants Right coronary 1 stent 4 (14.2%) 2 stents 1 (3.5%) 3 stents 0 Posterior descending 1 stent 1 (3.5%) Left main coronary 1 stent 2 (7.1%) Anterior descending 1 stent 16 (57.1%) Diagonal 1 stent 1 (2.7%) Circumflex 1 stent 6 (21.4%) 2 stents 6 (21.4%) Marginal 1 stent 0 Incomplete revascularization of myocardium 1 (3.5%) Prior surgery for revascularization of myocardium 2 (7.1%) Prior angioplasties 5 (14.2%) Medications, † % Antiplatelet agents 28 (100%) Anticoagulant 28 (100%) Antihypertensive 13 (46.4%) Beta-blockers 26 (92.8%) PG: periodized exercise training group. NPG: non-periodized exercise training group; ** Obtained by transthoracic echocardiography; † Standard dose of medication. Discussion This study ascertained the following outcomes: superior improvement of body fat, fat above ideal and bodymass, VO 2 peak and VO 2 at VT1-2 in the PG; muscle strength improvement in both groups. Periodization training is suggested in most recent guidelines. 5-8 However, the superiority of periodized training (RT and AT) has been poorly studied in CAD patients. The main finding of this study was that the periodized exercise prescription program was superior to the conventional one with respect to the increase in VO 2 peak for coronary patients taking part in a rehabilitation program. VO 2 peak is closely associated with morbidity and mortality in cardiac patients. 18 This information is very important since periodization is still not in the rehabilitation programs of CAD patients. 19 In addition, VO 2 peak is recognized as being the best indicator of survival for this population. 20-22 Therefore, the inclusion