IJCS | Volume 31, Nº4, July / August 2018

345 Oliveira et al VICTIM Registry Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(4)339-358 Original Article groups when the continuous or discrete variables have normal distribution. In case of asymmetric distribution, Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test will be used. 21 To assess the effect of demography, clinical data, laboratory data and the time for reperfusion treatment to be performed, a model of multivariate logistic regression will be usedwith generalized equations that consider the clustering effect 22 and stratified Cox regression. 23 The Kaplan-Meier method 24 and the log-rank test 25 will be used to compare event-free survival curves in users of the SUS and of the private hospitals, with and without adjustment for the confounding variables. The SPSS Statistics program for Windows version 17 and R Core Team 2014 26 will be used for the statistical analysis. The significance level adopted in future analyses will be 5%. Ethical considerations Before entering the study, all volunteers or their guardians provide a written informed consent. Illiterate individuals who choose to participate in the study complete the informed consent process by signing with a fingerprint and two literate witnesses verify the process with a signature. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Sergipe (nº 23392313.4.0000.5546). Commitment of the VICTIM team In addition to answering specific questions, the leaders of the VICTIM Registry are committed to continuously spreading the study results aiming at contributing to improve the healthcare quality for AMI. The present investigation is expected to provide constantly and systematically the health managers with technical information that can support new health policies or care strategies, contributing to the construction of a more efficient and equitable healthcare system. The central idea is to identify in the presently practiced line of care opportunities to improve the care provided regarding infrastructure, logistics of healthcare processes and especially the healthcare results. In addition, the VICTIM Registry is expected to constitute a continuous field of training in several research areas, such as cardiovascular biomedicine, outcomes research and health services, for post-graduate and graduate students, to aid in the scientific qualification and formation of researchers in the health sciences area. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Barreto IDC, Arcelino LAM, Prado LFA, Silveira FS, Nascimento TA, Ferreira EJP, Barreto RV, Moraes EV, Mendonça JT, Sousa ACS, Barreto-Filho JA. Acquisition of data: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Lima TCRM, Arcelino LAM, Barreto-Filho JA. Analysis and interpretation of the data: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Barreto IDC, Almeida-Santos MA, Lima TCRM, Arcelino LAM, Sousa ACS, Barreto-Filho JA. Statistical analysis: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Barreto IDC, Almeida-Santos MA, Barreto- Filho JA. Obtaining financing: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Barreto-Filho JA. Writing of the manuscript: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Arcelino LAM, Barreto-Filho JA. Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Oliveira JC, Oliveira LCS, Oliveira JC, Barreto IDC, Almeida-Santos MA, Lima TCRM, Arcelino LAM, Prado LFA, Silveira FS, Nascimento TA, Ferreira EJP, Barreto RV, Moraes EV, Mendonça JT, Sousa ACS, Barreto-Filho JA. Supervision / as the major investigador: Barreto-Filho JA. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding This study was partially funded by CNPq 14/2013 – Universal. Study Association This article is part of the thesis of Doctoral submitted by Jussiely Cunha Oliveira, from Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Ethics approval and consent to participate This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe under the protocol number 483.749. All the procedures in this study were in accordance with the 1975 Helsinki Declaration, updated in 2013. Informed consent was obtained from all participants included in the study.