IJCS | Volume 31, Nº4, July / August 2018

344 Figure 3 - Flowchart representing the exclusion criteria for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). AMI: acute myocardial infarction. PATIENTS WITH INITIAL DIAGNOSIS OF STEMI PATIENTS AT A PUBLIC HOSPITAL THAT CAN PERFORM ANGIOPLASTY PATIENTS EXCLUDED FROM THE VICTIM REGISTRY - Death before the interview - In-hospital AMI - Did not provide written informed consent - Reinfarction - Change in diagnosis - Patients with health insurance coverage at a philanthropic hospital PACIENTES INCLUDED IN THE VICTIM REGISTRY PATIENTS AT PRIVATE HOSPITALS THAT CAN PERFORM ANGIOPLASTY Oliveira et al VICTIM Registry Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(4)339-358 Original Article interview is performed 30 days after the detection of STEMI. On the occasion, the coordinator responsible for the calls gets information with the patients and/or their guardians on the occurrence of death, reinfarction, heart failure, cardiogenic shook, angina pectoris, stroke, hemorrhage, cardiac arrest and/or new hospitalization, in addition to assessing whether the patients attended a specialized consultation after discharge, and, if not, whether they have one scheduled. When the patient cannot be reached via telephone, other resources are used, such as a relative’s or neighbor’s telephone contact, e-mail or post letter with the major researcher’s contacts, to minimize data loss. If the patient remains hospitalized for 30 days, the final visit is performed during hospitalization, and after that the patient’s participation in the study ends. Case report form and data bank Case report form (CRF) is the collection tool (Annex A) adopted by the VICTIM Registry and comprises the following: (1) patient’s identification; (2) eligibility; (3) time line; (4) clinical presentation; (5) hospitalization; (6) outcomes. In 2015, the CRF passed from the print version to the electronic version, in which data storage is virtually fed, facilitating their maintenance and reducing the form filling out process errors. The data collected in loco are stored in an electronic cloud, ensuring lower risk for data loss. Data originating from the electronic CRF are transferred to a spreadsheet, facilitating their analysis and interpretation. The system is always fed by a researcher who underwent previous training and is the sole responsible for that activity. Aiming at minimizing errors of data bank input, the procedure is performed systematically right after patient’s assessment. Each CRF entered into the system receives an identification number, eliminating, thus, the need for contact with the names of the patients included in the study, and ensuring the right to anonymity. Statistical analysis Qualitative variables will be expressed as frequency (percentage), and quantitative variables will undergo Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to determine the distribution type; those meeting the normality assumption will be expressed as mean and standard deviation. The variables without a normal distributionwill be described as median and interquartile range or maximum and minimum values. The qualitative variables will be compared by using Pearson’s chi-square test or Fisher exact test, when appropriate. 20 Non-paired Student t test will be used to compare between the two major