IJCS | Volume 31, Nº3, May/ June 2018

310 Figure 2 – Cardiac Magnetic Resonance by T2* method: First image shows iron myocardial deposition feature and the second image shows improvement after treatment. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Iglesias CPK, Duarte PVF, Miranda JSS. Acquisition of data: Iglesias CPK, Miranda JSS. Analysis and interpretation of the data: Iglesias CPK, Duarte PVF, Miranda JSS, Machado LG, Andrade CRA. Statistical analysis: Iglesias CPK. Obtaining financing: Iglesias CPK. Writing of the manuscript: Iglesias CPK, Duarte PVF, Machado LG, Andrade CRA. Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Iglesias CPK, Duarte PVF, Miranda JSS, Machado LG, Andrade CRA. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any thesis or dissertation work. Iglesias et al. Hemochromatosis: A reversible cause of heart failure International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. 2018;31(3)308-311 Case Report