IJCS | Volume 31, Nº2, March / April 2018

110 Table 2 – Correlations between arrival time, schooling and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) * Type of AMI ∆-T STEMI NSTEMI All Value of r Value of p Value of r Value of p Value of r Value of p Schooling level - 0.009 0.933 - 0.067 0.495 -0.032 0.645 MMSE - 0.061 0.545 - 0.140 0.146 - 0.073 0.283 * Evaluated by Kendall's correlation. STEMI: ST-elevation myocardial infarction; NSTEMI: non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction were also not statistically significant, with married individuals showing a median time of 4 hours and 49 minutes (IQR: 2 hours and 07 minutes - 12 hours and 9 minutes), whereas the single, divorced and widowed individuals showed a median time of 5 hours and 20 minutes (IQR: 2 hours and 47 minutes - 17 hours and 59 minutes), with p = 0.335. There was, however, a statistically significant association between the presence of systemic arterial hypertension and a worse performance in the MMSE, with the patients with systemic arterial hypertension obtaining a median score of 23 (IQR: 20.75 - 26.00), whereas those without systemic arterial hypertension had a median score of 27 (IQR: 25-28), with p < 0.001. The hypertensive group also had lower educational levels, with patients with systemic arterial hypertension showing a median of 4 years of schooling (IQR: 2 - 8), whereas those without systemic arterial hypertension had 8 years (IQR: 4 - 11), p = 0.002. Moreover, the women in our sample had fewer years of schooling, with a median of 4 years (IQR: 2.5 - 7.5), compared to men, who had a median of 7 years (IQR: 4-8), with p = 0.04. The MMSE score was 23 (IQR: 21-26) for women and 26 (IQR: 23-28) for men (p = 0.04). Discussion This study showed no correlation between the time of arrival at the hospital and the level of schooling or performance in the MMSE, as well as no association between ∆-T and marital status, or between ∆-T and the presence of risk factors for coronary disease. Table 3 – Comparisons between the presence of risk factors and time of arrival Risk Factor ∆-T* Yes No p value† Systemic arterial hypertension 5h10min (2h13min - 12h44min ) 4h20min (2h10min - 16h41min) 0.805 Diabetes Mellitus 3h53min (1h54min - 16h30min) 5h03min (2h15min - 13h19min) 0.979 Dyslipidemia 7h02min (2h08min - 17h12min) 4h20min (2h17min - 12h19min) 0.413 Family history 4h00min (1h46min - 9h58min) 6h17min (2h24min - 18h22min) 0.093 Smoking 5h20min (2h44min - 13h39min) 4h47min (2h07min - 14h05min) 0.843 Sedentary lifestyle 4h49min (2h07min - 12h44min) 6h43min (2h37min - 16h32min) 0.359 * Values are shown as median (interquartile range); †assessed by the two-tailed Mann-Whitney test. h: hours; min: minutes Takagui et al. Infarction and delay in hospital care Int J Cardiovasc Sci. 2018;31(2)107-113 Original Article