ABC | Volume 112, Nº2, Fevereiro 2019

Artigo Original Naderi et al Alho e exercícios aumentam a angiogênese cardíaca Arq Bras Cardiol. 2019; 112(2):154-162 Este é um artigo de acesso aberto distribuído sob os termos da licença de atribuição pelo Creative Commons 37. Sorensen CM, Ding J, Zhang Q, Alquier T, Zhao R, Mueller PW, et al. Perturbations in the lipid profile of individuals with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetesmellitus: lipidomics analysis of aDiabetes Antibody Standardization Program sample subset. Clin Biochem. 2010;43(12):948-56. 38. Mohammadi A, Oshaghi EA. Effect of garlic on lipid profile and expression of LXR alpha in intestine and liver of hypercholesterolemic mice. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2014;13(1):20. 39. Riedel S, Radzanowski S, Bowen TS, Werner S, Erbs S, Schuler G, et al. Exercise training improves high-density lipoprotein-mediated transcription of proangiogenic microRNA in endothelial cells. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015;22(7):899-903. 40. Kostrzewa-Nowak D, Nowak R, Jastrz ę bski Z, Zar ę bska A, Bichowska M, Drobnik-KozakiewiczI,etal.Effectof12-week-longaerobictrainingprogramme on body composition, aerobic capacity, complete blood count and blood lipid profile among young women. BiochemMed (Zagreb). 2015;25(1):103-13. 162