ABC | Volume 115, Nº1, Suplement, July 2020

Case Report Guimarães & Bocchi Left Bundle Branch Block Arq Bras Cardiol 2020; 115(1Suppl.1):10-13 Figure 1 – Cardiopulmonary exercise test at rest, during exercise and recovery. The black lines indicate the transition between these phases. A) green line - oxygen consumption (VO 2 /kg, ml/kg/min), red line - heart rate (HR, bpm), black line - oxygen pulse (O 2 -Pls, ml/bpm) and blue line - respiratory coefficient (RQ); B) green line - minute ventilation (VE, l/min), red line - respiratory rate (RR, bpm), black line - tidal volume (Vt, ml/min) and blue line - dead space to tidal volume ratio (Vd/Vt). C) Minute ventilation/ carbon dioxide production relationship slope (VE/VCO 2 slope). In the first part of the exercise, VE/VCO 2 slope is normal (21); from the event point during the exercise test, the VE/VCO 2 slope severely increased (49). Brown line arrow - event point. 11