ABC | Volume 115, Nº1, July 2020

Original Article Pessoa et al. Cost-effectiveness comparison between drug-eluting stents and bare-metal stents Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 115(1):80-89 Table 2 - Angiographic variables of the study groups Variables DES BMS p-value    n median Q1-Q3   n median Q1-Q3 Stent diameter (mm) ** 74 2.95 2.75 - 3.1 141 3.1 2.75 - 3.50 0.018 ** Stent length (mm) 74 18.0 15.0 - 24.0 141 18.0 15.0 - 26.0 0.97 ** QCA RDV ** 46 2.90 2.58 - 3.19 88 2.89 2.49 - 3.64 0.56 ** % Lesion 45 82.6 72.5 - 87.9 88 87.1 74.1 - 93.1 0.069 ** Lesion extension (mm) 46 7.96 6.37 - 10.3 86 9.34 6.80 - 12.7 0.12 ** MLD – pre 46 0.805 0.685 - 1.07 85 0.870 0.610 - 1.05 0.88 ** MLD – post 46 2.76 2.22 - 3.26 85 2.86 2.42 - 3.39 0.32 ** Data with non-normal distribution were expressed as median and interquartile range (Q1-Q3) and compared by the Mann-Whitney ** (nonparametric) test. DES - drug-eluting stent; BMS - bare-metal stent; MLD - minimal lumen diameter; RDV - reference diameter of the vessel; QCA - quantitative coronary angiography; Q1-Q3 - interquartile range. Source: The Author, 2018. Table 3 – Procedure-related variables of the study groups DES BMS p value n % n % CASS A 4 5.6 5 3.7 0,68 B1 34 47.9 74 54.4 B2 15 21.1 30 22.1 C 18 25.4 27 19.9 Treated vessel Vessel <3.0 mm 35 47.3 48 34.0 0,058 Lesion <20 mm 44 59.5 77 54.6 0,49 Right coronary artery 12 16.2 48 34.3 0,014 Circumflex artery 4 5.4 13 9.3 LADA 52 70.3 68 48.6 Branch 6 18.2 11 7.8 Access Radial 66 98.5 126 96.97 descriptive only Femoral 1 1.5 3 2.27 Ulnar 0 0 1 0.77 Complication Dissection 0 0 1 0.72 0,67 Follow-up New coronarography 14 18.9 32 23.2 0,47 Categorical data were expressed as frequency (n) and percentage (%) and compared using the X 2  test or Fisher’s exact test. DES: drug-eluting stent; BMS: bare- metal stent; ACCL: angiographic classification of coronary lesions (American Heart Association); LAD: left anterior descending artery. Source: The Author, 2018. 84