ABC | Volume 114, Nº6, June 2020

Original Article Yurre et al. Evaluation of the cardiac effects of WSMoL Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(6):1029-1037 Figure 4 – WSMoLdid not alter mitochondrial function after 21 days of treatment. (A) O2 consumption fluxes in high-resolution respirometry of CNTRLand WSMoLgroups, (B) respiratory control ratio (RCR), (C) maximal phosphorylative capacity of electron transport system (OXPHOS), (D) non-specific leak of protons (LEAK), (E) residual oxygen consumption (ROX), (F) rates of mitochondrial H2O2 production, and (G) electron leakage of CNTRL and WSMoL groups. (CNTRL n = 4 hearts and WSMoL n = 5 hearts). Each dot represents individual values and lines represent mean values. ○: CNTRL mice; ●: WSMoL mice. Comparisons between groups were performed using unpaired Student’s t test, and data that did not show Gaussian distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) were compared by the Mann Whitney test. The results are shown as mean ± SD for data with Gaussian distribution and as median and interquartile range for data with non-Gaussian distribution. A C D B E F G CNTRL WsMoL CNTRL WsMoL CNTRL WsMoL CNTRL CNTRL WsMoL WsMoL CNTRL WsMoL CNTRL WsMoL 15000 10000 5000 0 Basal PM G D (Std3) D (Std4) D (Max) Omy Ama S Basal PMG Succ ADP Oligo FCCP FCCP Ama PMG Succ ADP Oligo 8 10000 10000 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 7500 5000 2000 1500 1000 500 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 2500 0 6 4 2 0 (pmol O 2 /mg/sec) H 2 O 2 production (pmol O 2 /mg/sec) O 2 flux (pmol/mg/sec) Electron leakage (ratio H 2 O 2 flux/O 2 flux) (pmol O 2 /mg/sec) (pmol O 2 /mg/sec) 1. Hassan FAG, Ibrahim MA. Moringa oleifera: nature is most nutritious and multi purpose tree. Int J Sci Res Publ. 2013;3(4):1-5. 2. Santos A, Luz LA, Pontual EV, Napoleão TH, Paiva PMG, Coelho LCBB. Moringa oleifera: resource management and multiuse life tree. Adv Res. 2015;4(6):388-402. 3. Sreelatha S, Jeyachitra A, Padma PR. Antiproliferation and induction of apoptosisbyMoringaoleifera leafextractonhumancancercells.FoodChem Toxicol. 2011;49(6):1270-5. 4. Vergara-Jimenez M, Almatrafi M, Fernandez M. Bioactive components in Moringa oleifera leaves protect against chronic disease. Antioxidants. 2017;6(4):pii:E91. 5. Coelho JS, Santos ND, Napoleão TH, Gomes FS, Ferreira RS, Zingali RB, et al. Effect of Moringa oleifera lectin on development and mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae. Chemosphere. 2009;77(7):934-8. 6. de Oliveira CFR, de Moura MC, Napoleão TH, Paiva PMG, Coelho LCBB, MacedoMLR. A chitin-binding lectin fromMoringa oleifera seeds (WSMoL) impairs the digestive physiology of theMediterranean flour larvae, Anagasta kuehniella. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 2017 Oct;142:67-76. 7. Santos ND, de Moura KS, Napoleão TH, Santos GK, Coelho LC, Navarro DM, et al. Oviposition-stimulant and ovicidal activities of Moringa oleifera lectin on Aedes aegypti. PloS One. 2012;7(9):e44840. 8. Ferreira RS, Napoleão TH, Santos AF, Sá RA, Carneiro-da-Cunha MG, Morais MM, et al. Coagulant and antibacterial activities of the water-soluble seed lectin from Moringa oleifera. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2011;53(2):186-92. 9. MouraMC, TrentinDS, Napoleão TH, Primon-BarrosM, Xavier AS, Carneiro NP, et al. Multi-effect of the water-soluble Moringa oleifera lectin against Serratia marcescens and Bacillus sp.: antibacterial, antibiofilm and anti- adhesive properties. J Appl Microbiol. 2017;123(4):861-74. 10. MouraMC, Napoleão TH, CoriolanoMC, Paiva PM, Figueiredo RC, Coelho LC. Water-soluble Moringa oleifera lectin interferes with growth, survival and cell permeability of corrosive and pathogenic bacteria. J Appl Microbiol. 2015;119(3):666-76. 11. Araújo LC, Aguiar JS, Napoleão TH, Mota FV, Barros AL, Moura MC, et al. Evaluationofcytotoxicandanti-inflammatoryactivitiesofextractsand lectins fromMoringa oleifera seeds. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e81973. References 1035