ABC | Volume 114, Nº6, June 2020

Original Article Yang et al Chemotherapy-related coronary-artery disease Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(6):1004-1012 Table 3 – Logistic-regression analysis for anatomical severity of the coronary artery in lung cancer patients Variable Univariate model Multivariate model OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p Age (years) 0.9427 0.642 <60 Ref Ref ≥60 1.042 (0.343–3.161) 0.723 (0.184–2.840) Gender 0.1278 0.362 Female Ref Ref Male 2.326 (0.781–7.140) 1.856 (0.490–7.021) BMI 0.4538 0.428 <25 Ref Ref ≥25 1.376 (0.597–3.168) 1.528 (0.536–4.355) Smoking 0.0095 0.043 No Ref Ref Yes 3.182 (1.327–7.628) 3.035 (1.036–8.893) Family history of CAD 0.2467 0.659 No Ref Ref Yes 2.011 (0.617–6.563) 1.379 (0.331–5.754) Hypertension 0.9667 0.748 No Ref Ref Yes 1.018 (0.437–2.372) 1.180 (0.431–3.234) Type II diabetes 0.5338 0.501 No Ref Ref Yes 1.393 (0.491–3.953) 1.561 (0.426–5.721) Hyperlipidemia 0.9732 0.616 No Ref Ref Yes 1.021 (0.306–3.410) 0.677 (0.147–3.118) Interval time from cancer diagnosis to CAG (years) 0.2914 0.899 ≤2 Ref Ref >2 1.484 (0.609–3.617) 1.075 (0.350–3.301) Radiotherapy 0.136 0.867 No Ref Ref Yes 2.112 (0.790–5.646) 1.124 (0.286–4.416) Chemotherapy 0.0021 0.004 No Ref Ref Yes 4.013 (1.655–9.731) 5.868 (1.778–19.367) BMI: body mass index; CAD: coronary artery disease; CAG: coronary angiography. 1009