ABC | Volume 114, Nº6, June 2020

Special Article Barros and Silva et al. Brazilian Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(6):995-1003 Figure 1 - Adherence to evidence-based therapies in the first year of follow-up. To compare the continuity of medical prescription in follow-up with admission, a model of Generalized Estimating Equations (EEG) was adjusted for binary data, to take into consideration the dependence between observations. ‡ P-value < 0.001; Comparison between follow-up and admission; † P-value < 0.01; Comparison between follow-up and admission; * P value < 0.05; Comparison between follow-up and admission Figure 2 – One-year clinical outcomes according with the diagnosis. 1000