ABC | Volume 114, Nº5, May 2020

Viewpoint Costa et al. Cardiovascular Implication of Covid-19 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(5):834-838 80%) and recover without requiring any special treatment, while 1/6 of the patients can progress severely, with breathing issues. 24,25 In view of the current situation, it is extremely important for the population to act conscientiously and stay at home, whether symptomatic or not, with the aim of reducing the number of infected people and delaying the disseminated community transmission, so that the public health system may be able to serve everyone. 26 Otherwise, the exponential growth of the disease may break the health system, leading to the death of the most fragile ones. Those who need to hang around in public places, due to work or force majeure, should take preventive measures. 27 Slowing down the spread of the virus so that the number of cases spreads over time instead of having peaks in the beginning is one of the ways to flatten the epidemic curve and prevent the public health system from collapsing and, as a consequence, many people end up dying (Figure 1). Controlled disease transmission reduces pressure on the health system and increases the capacity of taking care not only of patients infected with coronavirus, but also those requiring medical care due to other illnesses. Staying at home is intended to provide ameans of precaution to reduce the risk of transmitting respiratory infections, such as that caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19). These special precautions prevent the contact of respiratory secretions of a person who may be infected with the coronavirus from coming into contact with others. 19 People who have tested positive for the said virus or are under suspicion should remain at home. Ideally, the individual should be alone in a bedroom or in a room that may temporarily serve as a bedroom, with a private bathroom if possible. 28,29 The bedroom doors should be closed all the time, but the windows should be open so that the area may stay well ventilated. The patient should only leave this isolated room if necessary. 30-32 Therefore, social isolation and preventive measures are necessary to prevent, mainly, that the elderly get infected and worsen preexisting diseases, complicating their health situation and leading to signs and symptoms that can often be fatal. 33,34 When a disease spreads quickly, services are overcrowded, there are not enough beds, masks, doctors, ventilators and other equipment for those in need, and this is not only for COVID-19, but for any other illness that requires the patients to seek health care. The systemmust be prevented from collapsing. 35 Final considerations There is consensus among the authors that the group at higher risk for developing the most severe form, which may lead to death, includes the elderly and individuals who have the most prevalent comorbidities, including cardiovascular diseases. 36 The crucial thing is not the severity of the disease itself, but the ability to care for all those infected when they need it. The more the transmission curve is flattened over time, the less the burden on the health system and the greater the likelihood that it will meet the epidemic demand — which highlights Figura 1 – Virus spread curve. How to delay the peak of the epidemics No control measures N o . of cases Control measures* reduce contagion Capacity of the health system Time duration since the first case *Include washing hands, remote work, avoiding crowds, traveling, concerts, conferences, events, attending classes etc. With control measures 836