ABC | Volume 114, Nº5, May 2020

Original Article Lima Campos et al. Knowledge about the congenital heart disease Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(5):786-792 Table 1– Overall characterization of the sample according to the classification for knowledge Variables Total A (n=335) Knowledge about congenital heart disease B Correct / Partial (n=148) Incorrect (n=62) Does not know (n=125) p* n % n % n % n % Gender 0.367* Male 174 51.9 77 47.8 26 16.1 58 36.0 Female 161 48.1 71 40.8 36 20.7 67 38.5 Age 0.033* 8 48 14.3 12 25.0 11 22.9 25 52.1 9 60 17.9 27 45.0 9 15.0 24 40.0 10 71 21.2 39 54.9 10 14.1 22 31.0 11 48 14.3 20 41.7 06 12.5 22 45.8 12 50 14.9 22 44.0 09 18.0 19 38.0 13 58 17.3 28 48.3 17 29.3 13 22.4 Level of schooling (year) 0.009* Preschool, 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd 89 26.6 27 30.3 17 19.1 45 50.6 4 th , 5 th 136 40.6 63 46.3 23 16.9 50 36.8 6 th 43 12.8 22 51.2 8 18.6 13 30.2 7 th 48 14.3 29 60.4 8 16.7 11 22.9 8 th 19 5.7 7 36.8 6 31.6 6 31.6 CHD classification <0.001* ML/ASI 81 24.2 37 45.7 11 13.6 33 40.7 AWI 186 55.5 97 52.2 27 14.5 62 33.3 CY 68 22.7 14 20.6 24 35.3 30 44.1 Hospitalization 0.044* Yes 225 67.2 110 48.9 39 17.3 76 33.8 No 110 32.8 38 34.5 23 20.9 49 44.5 Surgical procedure 0.015* Yes 134 40 48 35.8 24 17.9 62 46.3 No 201 60 100 49.8 38 18.9 63 31.3 Physical activity 0.015* Yes 302 90.1 141 46.7 53 17.2 109 36.1 No 33 9.9 7 21.2 10 30.3 16 48.5 DAFA [Mean±SD] 27.6±14.2 28.9±13.8 26.1±12.8 27.6±14.2 0.285 ¥ A: Percentages obtained for the total sample; B: Percentages obtained based on each category of responses; * Pearson’s Chi-square test; ** Classification of CHD: Minimal lesions (ML); Acyanotic without implications (ASI); acyanotic with implications (AWI) (surgery/hemodynamics); Cyanotic (CY); ¥: Analysis of variance (One-way) - Sheffè Post-hoc test. of PA to the medical team. Moreover, children could also have received more information about the condition of their heart problem. Another alternative interpretationwas that the children with more knowledge felt safer to practice physical activity. In the European Society Recommendations for children with CHD, there is provision for encouraging the patient to practice PA and describing the indications and their intensities for each type of lesion. 6 Likewise, a study reports that the patient’s ability to locate the heart defect on a diagram and knowledge about physical restrictions were strongly correlated with knowledge about sports, both of which were higher in male patients. 10 In contrast, another study showed that 38% of adolescents and 52% of parents knew about CHD and the endorsement to participate in competitive sports. 17 789