ABC | Volume 114, Nº5, May 2020

Original Article Ribeiro Junior & Fernandes Effect of Activity on Hypertension Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(5):755-761 Table 1 - Factors associated with high blood pressure in Urban Cleaning and Footwear Industry Workers Variable Frequency N % Prevalence (%) PR* HBP yes no 256 812 23.8 76.2 Gender male famale 228 842 21.3 78.7 13.6 26.6 1 1.95 Age ≤ 31 year > 31 year 575 491 53.9 46.1 12.7 36.9 1 2.90 Color or race Non-black Black 578 489 54.2 45.8 24.0 23.8 1 0.99 Schooling ≥ high school < high school 576 490 54 46 22.5 25.6 1 1.14 hade a stable partner no yes 188 880 17.6 82.4 23.5 23.9 1 1.02 Higt-demand work non-exposed exposed 714 326 68.7 31.3 23.4 25.6 1 1.09 time of service ≤3 year >3 year 506 562 47.4 52.6 19.4 27.8 1 1.43 Type of workday business hours rotating shift 392 676 36.7 63.3 17.3 27.6 1 1.59 Smokes or used to smoke no yes 779 270 74.3 25.7 21 31.1 1 1.48 frequency of alcohol use ≤ 1 once a week > 1 once a week 616 438 58.4 41.6 18.7 28.8 1 1.44 Excess weight no yes 612 455 57.4 42.6 13.5 37.4 1 2.775 PA occupational high low 567 501 53.1 46.9 22.0 25.9 1 1.18 PA leisure high low 413 655 38.7 61.3 20.9 25.7 1 1.23 PA domestic yes no 761 300 71.7 28.3 20.3 33 1 1.62 * PR: prevalence ratio; HBP: high blood pressure; PA: physical activity. prevalence of HBP than women. 1 Studies that show a higher prevalence among women are based on self-report or populations in higher age groups, in which the female gender shows higher values than the male gender with greater prevalence. 27 As for studies based on self-reporting, 1 the predominance of HBP among women may be due to the fact that women are more likely than men to seek out health care and, consequently, greater knowledge of their hypertensive condition is available. In Brazil, in 2016, the prevalence of HBP was increasing with age, and among those aged between 35 and 44 years, the prevalence was 19.1%. 1 In a comparison with the results of this study, a prevalence of 37% was found in the age group of 35 to 44 years; therefore, among those studied here, HBP was higher than the national average. In comparison with Chor et al., 23 who studied university servers, the age strata of this study with workers had higher prevalence rates. Overweight workers had 2.3 times the prevalence of HBP compared to those who were not overweight. This result is consistent with other studies, demonstrating the association of HBP with greater body density. 28,29 The other variables that were associated in the univariate stage had their associations with HBP greatly reduced in the multivariate analysis. The main independent variable was consistently associated with HBP in the multivariate analysis, showing a cumulative effect of low PA in the three forms regarding the prevalence of HBP. The independent association between occupational physical activity (PA-O) and HBP was explored through Table 2 – Prevalence ratios between PA, combining the three forms, and systemic hypertension, in models adjusted for sociodemographic, lifestyle and occupational variables Variable mod 1* PR mod 2* PR mod 3* PR MOD 4* PR PA active in 3 dimensions active in 2 dimensions inactive or active in 1 dimensions 1.00 1.22 1.76 1.00 1.26 1.80 1.00 1.24 1.60 1.00 1.25 1.62 Gender male famale Age ≤ 31 year > 31 year 1 1.94 1 2.63 1 1.66 1 2.22 1 1.62 1 2.10 Excessive weight no yes Smokes or used to smoke no yes frequency of alcohol use ≤ 1 once a week > 1 once a week 1 2.24 1 1.11 1 1.18 1 2.26 1 1.11 1 1.18 Type of workday business hours rotating shift time of service ≤3 year >3 year 1 1.05 1 1.17 * MOD 1: gross association; MOD 2: adjusted for gender and age; MOD 3: adjusted for overweight, currently smoking or smoked in the past and frequency of alcohol use; MOD 4: adjusted for type of workday and working hours; PR: prevalence ratio; PA: physical activity. 758