ABC | Volume 114, Nº3, March 2020

Original Article Vaz et al. RIAM – registry of acute myocardial infarction Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(3):446-455 Figure 2 – Options Diagram for the creation of the Case Report Form. Source: REDCap IC/FUC index.php?pid=23 1. Primary configuration of registry 2. Create instrument for data capture 3. Define events and design instruments 4. Activate optional modules and customization 5. Configure markers of optional-project 6. User rights and permission 7. Run a full test of project 8. Move project to “production” status CRF configuration respected the project objective. In this step the “Data Entry Form” is created in the “Longitudinal” data collection format. This step is for organizing data collection, enabling CRF modules and special customizations by inserting the selected default variables. Events were created to test data collection instruments and set up scheduling. The automatic numbering was customized for each record and the scheduling module was activated since it is a longitudinal registry. This step directs the permissions of each user in REDCap. All users with access to this project were assigned different permission levels, which range from view-only to add project. The pilot test included 30 patients, the definition of variables and derivation of logics and calculations. This step generated a pilot test quality report and its export to other systems. Changed status of registry from development do production . Future editions can only be made in draft mode and need to be approved by the REDCap manager Since it was optional, this step was not required, as this step is for creating markers (links) for the registry. Configuração do Registro Table 4 – Session of standardized variables Name of Instrument Fields Session of Registries Demographic data 6 Patient identification; date of birth; age; health insurance payor; education; race; sex. Contacts 4 Main phone number; second phone number; family member’s phone number; patient’s e-mail address. Clinical data 24h 18 Symptoms and initial care; Onset of ischemic discomfort; origin; ECG data; MI wall; Vital Signs and Physical Examination; Reperfusion Strategy. Medication 24h 23 Medication given for 24h. Clinical History 22 Height; Weight; BMI; DM; Tobacco user; HAS; Dyslipidemia; Angina; AMI; ACTP; CRM; Cardiac insufficiency; Family history; CVA; Chronic Kidney Failure; cancer; antidepressant; Peripheral arterial disease; FA and Flutter; Previous cardiac device. Catheterization and Intervention 34 Cardiac Catheterization and ACTP Data; Angiography findings; Angioplasty data; Angiographic aspects; Laboratory data - admission 20 Laboratory tests performed on admission; Positive myocardial injury markers within first the 24 hours. Procedures and complications - hospitalization 26 Infarction Type; Procedures until discharge; Complications until discharge. Data from hospital discharge form 9 Death before hospital discharge; Date of hospital discharge; Length of hospital stay; Medication prescribed at hospital discharge; MACE during hospitalization. Outcome and follow-up 24 Records/Patient/Family information; Date of contact; death; Cause of death; Hospitalization since last contact; MI since last contact; Angina; CA since last contact; CVA since last contact: ICP since last contact; CRM since last contact; Intra-stent restenosis; MACE; Review contact information. ACTP: percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; CVA: cerebrovascular accident; MRS: myocardial revascularization surgery; DM: diabetes mellitus; ECG: electrocardiogram; AF: atrial fibrillation; SAH: systemic arterial hypertension; MI; acute myocardial infarction; PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention; BMI: body mass index; MACE: major adverse cardiac events; CA: cardiac arrest. 450