ABC | Volume 114, Nº3, March 2020

Original Article Vaz et al. RIAM – registry of acute myocardial infarction Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(3):446-455 Table 1 – Pre-selected variables in ACTION Registry®–GWTG A. Demographic Data Variable in English Legend Selection Last name Last_name Indicates the patient's last name First name first_name Indicates the patient's first name Patient’s identification number Patient_ID Indicates the number entered automatically by the software that uniquely identifies this patient Date of birth Birth_date Indicates the date of birth of the patient Sex Sex Indicates the patient's sex at birth Male; Female B. Admission Data Variable in English Legend Selection Patient’s ZIP code patient_zip_code Indicates the zip code of the patient’s primary home Date of admission admission_date Indicates the date the patient was admitted to the institution for the treatment of the current episode Private health plan insurance_payor_private Indicates whether the patient's insurance payor includes a private health plan No; Yes C. Clinical Data Variable in English Legend Selection Date of symptom onset symptom_onset_date Indicates the date the patient first reported ischemic symptoms for 10 minutes or more. Date of first ECG first_ECG_date Indicates date of first 12-lead electrocardiogram Heart failure heart_failure Indicates the existence of heart failure on first medical contact No, Yes Cardiogenic shock cardiogenic_shock Indicates whether the patient was in cardiogenic shock on first medical contact No, Yes Heart rate heart_rate Indicates the first heart rate record (in beats per minute) Systolic blood pressure systolic_blood_pressure Indicates first record of systolic blood pressure in mmHg Cardiac arrest cardiac_arrest Indicates whether the patient was in cardiac arrest on first medical contact No, Yes ID: Identification; ECG: Electrocardiogram; mmHg - Millimeters of mercury. Source: ACTION Registry®–GWTG™. Previously available at: action/home/datacollection (replaced by NCDR® Chest Pain - MI Registry™ as of June 2018, available at: registries/chest-pain-mi-registry) Table 2 – Variables RIAM - ACCESS Table 3 – Variables ACTION Registry Demographics Database Demographics Database Patient ID RIAM of ACCESS Patient ID ACTION Registry® Birth Date RIAM of ACCESS Birth Date ACTION Registry® Sex RIAM of ACCESS Sex ACTION Registry® Race RIAM of ACCESS Race ACTION Registry® Admission Database Admission Data Base Prior MI RIAM of ACCESS Prior MI ACTION Registry® Prior angina RIAM of ACCESS Prior angina ACTION Registry® Systemic Systolic Blood Pressure RIAM of ACCESS Systemic Systolic Blood Pressure ACTION Registry® Systemic Diastolic Blood Pressure RIAM of ACCESS Systemic Diastolic Blood Pressure ACTION Registry® Risk factors Database Risk factors Data Base Diabetes RIAM of ACCESS Diabetes ACTION Registry® Dyslipidemia RIAM of ACCESS Dyslipidemia ACTION Registry® Prior CVA RIAM of ACCESS Prior CVA ACTION Registry® Prior CABG RIAM of ACCESS Prior CABG ACTION Registry® Hypertension RIAM of ACCESS Hypertension ACTION Registry® Tobacco use RIAM of ACCESS Tobacco use ACTION Registry® Source: Table 2 - Institutional RIAM Registry, Microsoft ACCESS™; Table 3 - ACTION Registry®–GWTG™. Previously available at: home/datacollection (replaced by NCDR® Chest Pain - MI Registry™ as of June 2018, available at: chest-pain-mi-registry) . Access: Database management system from Microsoft; ACTION Registry: MI patient database from the American College of Cardiology Foundation; CVA: CerebrovascularAccident; CABG: CoronaryArtery Bypass Graft; MRS: Myocardial revascularization surgery;Acute MI:Acute Myocardial Infarction; ID: Identification; MI: Myocardial Infarction; RIAM: Registry of Acute Myocardial Infarction. 449