ABC | Volume 114, Nº3, March 2020

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Arteriovenous Fistula The creation of an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) can decrease BP by reducing total peripheral resistance and blood volume and inducing baroreflex inhibition and release of natriuretic peptides. 173 In a prospective randomized controlled trial, the creation of a central iliac AVF by an implantable device in 44 patients with RHTN led to significant reductions in 24-hour office and ambulatory systolic BP compared with pharmacological treatment. 174 However, there was a high rate of complications due to ipsilateral venous stenosis, requiring intervention in the AVF group. Further studies with a greater number of patients and with a comparison of AVF versus sham procedure are being conducted to verify the benefits of AVF in RHTN. 173 Erratum In the Statement “Posicionamento Brasileiro sobre Hipertensão Arterial Resistente – 2020” with DOI number: https:// , published in the periodical Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 114(3): 576-596, on page 582: in the figure 1 of the Portuguese version, where “hipertensão segundária” is mentioned, the correct is “Hipertensão arterial pseudorresistente”. In the English version, where “abnormal” is mentioned, right side of the figure 1, the correct is “normal”. 591