ABC | Volume 114, Nº3, March 2020

Letter to the Editor Lima et al. Readmission of Patients: An Overview of PHC Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(3):574-575 only from clinical factors, but also from the type of assistance received by the patient, both during hospitalization and after discharge. It is worth noting that about 72% of the Brazilian population depends exclusively on the public health system. Therefore, as we said, Primary Health Care (PHC) can play a pivotal role in the adoption and reinforcement of secondary prevention measures that will surely be successful for those particularly affected by ACS. According to Ordinance No. 2436 of the Ministry of Health, published on 21/9/2017, Brazil’s Policy on Primary Health Care provides for the longitudinality of care, with monitoring of the effects of health interventions and coordination of care. Therefore, person- centered care, also advocated in this ordinance, places PHC in a fundamental role of helping patients to develop knowledge, skills and competence to better take care of their own health. Health education actions are essential to stress self-care and the prevention of subsequent readmissions. Finally, co- responsibility between health professionals and patients in the implementation of actions to prevent complications of the disease, health promotion and proper therapeutic adherence can positively influence the reduction of readmission rates. Sincerely, Larissa Marina Santana Mendonça de Oliveira Danielle Góes da Silva Antônio Carlos Sobral Sousa This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 575