ABC | Volume 114, Nº1, January 2019

Original Article Figueiredo et al. Poor quality of life in heart failure outpatients Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(1):25-32 Table1 – Characteristics of the sample dichotomized by NYHA functional class Total NYHA = I /II NYHA = III/IV p * Number of patients 99 (100%) 59 (59.60%) 40 (40.40%) 0.0699 Age Average ± SD 61.05 ± 10.88 59.85 ± 10.65 62.83 ± 11.11 0.1829 Monthly family income Median (1st Qu.; 3rd Qu.) 914.28 (594.61; 1294.61) 892.3 (594.61; 1564.10) 923.07 (602.56; 1102.56) 0.3978 Ejection Fraction Average ± SD 35.58 ± 9.18 37.27 ± 8.7 33.1 ± 9.4 0.0258* MLwHF Total score Median (1st Qu.; 3rd Qu.) 27 (10.5; 47.0) 17 (5; 32.5) 45 (31.5; 55.0) < 0.0001*** MLwHF Physical Median (1st Qu.; 3rd Qu.) 14 (3; 21) 6 (2; 17.5) 20 (15; 25) < 0.0001*** MLwHF Emotional Median (1st Qu.; 3rd Qu.) 6 (2; 13) 3 (0.5; 10.5) 10.5 (5.75; 15.25) 0.0001*** MLwHF General Median (1st Qu.; 3rd Qu.) 7 (3.0; 14.5) 4 (1; 8) 11 (8; 19) < 0.0001*** Male 61(100%) 38 (62.30%) 23 (37.70%) 0.0722 Schooling Illiterate 6 (100%) 3 (50.00%) 3 (50.00%) 1.0000 Education (< 5 years) 37 (100%) 24 (64.86%) 13 (35.14%) 0.0989 Education (6-12 years) 52 (100%) 31 (59.62%) 21 (40.38%) 0.2116 Education (> 12 years) 4 (100%) 1 (25.00%) 3 (75.00%) 0.6250 Married 64 (100%) 39 (60.94%) 25 (39.06%) 0.1034 Family support 82(100%) 51 (62.20%) 31 (37.80%) 0.0352* Employed 19 (100%) 12 (63.16%) 7 (36.84%) 0.3593 Ischemic Etiology 39(100%) 21 (53.85%) 18 (46.15%) 0.7493 Absence of atrial fibrillation 82(100%) 51 (62.20%) 31 (37.80%) 0.0352* Absence of chronic renal failure 84(100%) 52 (61.90%) 32 (38.10%) 0.0375* Absence of diabetes mellitus 57(100%) 38 (66.67%) 19 (33.33%) 0.0163* Arterial hypertension 69(100%) 39 (56.52%) 30 (43.48%) 0.3356 Absence of previous hospitalization 63(100%) 44 (69.84%) 19 (30.16%) 0.0022 Probable anxiety 15(100%) 10 (66.67%) 5 (33.33%) 0.3018 Possible anxiety 35(100%) 19 (54.29%) 16 (45.71%) 0.7359 Probable depression 11(100%) 7 (63.64%) 4 (36.36%) 0.5488 Possible depression 27(100%) 15 (55.56%) 12 (44.44%) 0.7011 Current use of betablockers 96 (100%) 57 (59.38%) 39 (40.62%) 0.0822 Absence of spironolactone 38(100%) 28 (73.68%) 10 (26.32%) 0.0051** Current use of ACE inhibitor/ARB 94(100%) 57 (60.64%) 37 (39.36%) 0.0495* Absence Nitrate/Hydralazine 63(100%) 43 (68.25%) 20 (31.75%) 0.0052** Absence Furosemide 25(100%) 18 (72.00%) 7 (28.00%) 0.0433* Optimized treatment 87(100%) 50 (57.47%) 37 (42.53%) 0.1980 p < 0.001***; p < 0.01**; p < 0.05 *. * P-values were calculated using unpaired t-Student test (for normal continuous variables); Wilcoxon rank sum test (for non‑normal continuous variables); and Exact Binomial Test (for categorical variables). MLwHF: Minnesota Living with Heart Failure; NYHA: New York Heart Association; ACE: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB: Angiotensine1 receptor blocker; SD: Standard deviation. 27