ABC | Volume 114, Nº1, January 2019

Original Article Marques et al. In-hospital mortality in infective endocarditis Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(1):1-8 Table 3 – Adverse Outcomes during hospitalization and P value of univariate analysis of predictors of in-hospital mortality Variable IE Survivors (n = 92) IE Non-Survivors (n = 42) Total IE cases (n = 134) p value In-hospital death – no. (%) 42 (31.3) Adverse Outcomes during Hospitalization – no. (%) Heart failure 38 (41.3) 27 (64.3) 65 (48.5) 0.014* Locally uncontrolled infection/ periannular complication 39(42.4) 16 (38.1) 55 (41) 0.639 Embolic events 30 (32.6) 21 (50) 51 (38.1) 0.054 Septic shock 8 (8.7) 19 (45.2) 27 (20.1) < 0.001* * Statistically significant variable. IE: infective endocarditis. Table 4 – Multivariable logistic-regression model of predictors of in-hospital mortality – Final Model (including all Streptococcal Species) Variable Odds ratio (OR) 95% CI p Nagelkerke R 2 Previous Heart Failure 3,88 0.90-16.70 0.069 0.622 Fever 0.41 0.17-1.45 0.167 Staphylococcus aureus 6.47 1.07-39.09 0.042* Streptococcal Species 2.96 0.40-21.72 0.286 Negative blood cultures 9.14 1.42-58.77 0.02* Valve obstruction in echocardiography 8.57 1.11-66.25 0.039* Abscess in echocardiography 4.14 0.89-19.21 0.07 Heart failure 4.98 1.31-18.92 0.018* Septic shock 20.26 4.04-102.74 < 0.001* Embolic events 1.98 0.53-7.36 0.309 Cardiac surgery 0.14 0.03-0.65 0.012* AUROC < 0.001 0.88-0.97 0.926 * Statistically significant variable. CI: confidence interval. Table 5 – Multivariable logistic-regression model of predictors of in-hospital mortality - Model 2 (including Streptococcus gallolyticus organism) Variable OR 95% CI p Nagelkerke R 2 Previous heart failure 3.48 0.80-15.13 0.097 0.614 Fever 0.46 0.13-1.56 0.211 Staphylococcus aureus 4.05 0.87-19.00 0.076 Streptococcus gallolyticus 0.94 0.05-17.76 0.965 Negative blood cultures 5.32 1.14-24.92 0.034* Valve obstruction in echocardiography 11.97 1.27-112.91 0.030* Abscess in echocardiography 3.73 0.84-16.62 0.085 Heart failure 4.80 1.27-18.23 0.021* Septic shock 16.03 3.59-71.53 < 0.001* Embolic events 1.90 0.51-7.05 0.340 Cardiac surgery 0.17 0.04-0.72 0.017* AUROC < 0.001 0.88-0.97 0.923 * Statistically significant variable. CI: confidence interval. 6