ABC | Volume 114, Nº1, January 2019

Original Article Marques et al. In-hospital mortality in infective endocarditis Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; 114(1):1-8 Table 1 – Population characteristics of infective endocarditis cases (n = 134) and p value of univariate analysis of predictors of in-hospital mortality Variable IE Survivors (n = 92) IE Non-Survivors (n = 42) Total IE cases (n = 134) p value Male gender – n°. (%) 70 (76.1%) 28 (66.7) 98 (73.1%) 0.254 Age – yrs. mean ±SD 60 ± 17 64 ± 14 61 ± 16 0.177 Min – max 22 - 89 31 - 88 22 – 89 > 75 yrs. – no. (%) 25 (27.2) 9 (21.4) 34 (25.4) 0.478 Comorbidities – n°. (%) Arterial Hypertension 47 (51.1) 21 (50) 68 (50.7) 0.907 Valvular heart disease 42 (45.7) 24 (57.1) 66 (49.3) 0.217 Heart Failure 18 (19.6) 16 (38.1) 38 (25.4) 0.022* Hepatic Disease 24 (26.1) 8 (19) 35 (23.9) 0.413 Diabetes 14 (15.2) 8 (19) 22 (15.8) 0.579 Pulmonary Disease 15 (16.3) 6 (14.3) 21 (15.7) 0.766 Coronary Artery Disease 12 (13) 7 (16.7) 19 (14.2) 0.577 Intravenous drug users 13 (14.1) 5 (11.9) 18 (13.4) 0.763 HIV 12 (13) 6 (14.3) 18 (13.4) 0.804 Chronic Renal Disease 9 (9.8) 7 (16.7) 16 (11.9) 0.254 Intracardiac device 7 (7.6) 3(7.1) 10 (7.5) 1.000 Clinical Presentation – no. (%) Fever 71 (77.2) 24 (57.1) 95 (70.9) 0.018* Systemic symptoms (weight loss, anorexia, tiredness) 52 (56.5) 28 (66.7) 80 (59.7) 0.165 Heart murmur 57 (62) 23 (54.8) 80 (59.7) 0.431 Anemia 35 (38) 17 (40.5) 52 (38.8) 0.789 Embolization symptoms 17 (18.5) 12 (28.6) 29 (21.6) 0.188 Number of episodes of IE– n°. (%) 1 84 (91.3) 38 (90.5) 122 (91) 0.816 2 6 (6.5) 1 (2.4) 7 (5.2) 3 2 (2.2) 3 (7.1) 5 (3.7) Type of IE– n°. (%) Native valve 67 (72.8) 29 (69) 96 (71.6) 0.653 Prosthetic valve 21 (22.8) 13 (31) 34 (25.4) 0.316 <1yr after cardiac surgery 8 (8.7) 2 (4.8) 10 (7.5) 0.251 Device-Related Infective Endocarditis 4 (4.3) 0 (0) 4 (3) 0.309 Valves affected - n°. (%) 0.378 1 valve 70 (76.1) 32 (76.2) 111 (82,8) 2 valves 12 (13) 6 (14.3) 18 (13.4) 3 valves 1 (1) 0 (0) 1 (0.7) Aortic valve 53 (57.6) 24 (57.1) 77 (57.5) 0.960 Mitral valve 30 (32.6) 17 (40.5) 47 (35.1) 0.376 Right-sided valves 16 (17.4) 3 (7.1) 19 (14.2) 0.115 Type of infection – n°. (%) Community-acquired endocarditis 72 (78.2) 32 (76.2) 104 (77.6) 0.790 Healthcare-associated IE 20 (21.7) 10 (23.8) 30 (22.4) 3